

SirTrevor Bundle by EDSI-Tech Sarl

Integration of SirTrevor JS library into a Symfony2 bundle.

SirTrevor editor works with "blocks", fragment of content of different types. This bundle allow you to map those to Doctrine entities. Secondly, it provides a TwigExtension & templates to easily achieve a clean SirTrevor integration.



Using packing, require edsi-tech/sir-trevor-bundle Then register it in app/AppKernel.php.



You must extend EdsiTech\SirTrevorBundle\Entity\AbstractBlock. AbstractBlock represent a block as SirTrevor knows it. It can be easily mapped to a Doctrine ORM entity, for this for already put some annotations.

Rendering the editor

To render the editor, put in a Twig template:

{{ cms_render(blocks) }}

You must pass to this template a blocks variable , containing a collection of AbstractBlock. Moreover, using a is_editable variable, you can decide whether to render a content editable with SirTrevor or just to render the blocks as plain old HTML.

By default we use the theme EdsiTechSirTrevorBundle:Render:_blocks_theme.html.twig.
You can change it via Bundle config:

# app/config/config.yml
    edsi_tech_sir_trevor: 'EdsiTechSirTrevorBundle:Render:_blocks_theme.html.twig'

Saving blocks

Blocks will be re-send to your controller, via POST. To handle those, you should use the provided edsi_tech_sir_trevor.handler.block_handler service. It will read the Request and return you an array of EdsiTech\SirTrevorBundle\Model\EditedBlock.


Loading Bar

It includes a progress bar for editor loading. Available using Pace.

Flash messages

Request flash messages are displayed as nice messages powered by HubSport Messenger

Controller example:

    public function renderAction()
        $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('success', 'Green success message');
        $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('danger', 'Red danger message');
        $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('info', 'Blue information message');

        return $this->render('myTwigTemplate', [
            'blocks'        => [] // an array of AbstractBlocks
            'is_editable'   => true

"back" button

The bar on top added by this bundle can include a "back" button. Just provide the URL it should point to in your controller:

    public function renderAction()
        return $this->render('myTwigTemplate', [
            'back_link'     => '/',
            'blocks'        => [] // an array of AbstractBlocks
            'is_editable'   => true

Even more buttons

You can provide more buttons/HTML to add to the bar on top of the page via save_bar_buttons:

    public function renderAction()
        return $this->render('myTwigTemplate', [
            'save_bar_buttons' => '<a href="http://madebymany.github.io/sir-trevor-js/docs.html">Sir Trevor doc</a>',
            'blocks'        => [] // an array of AbstractBlocks
            'is_editable'   => true

Full working example

The controller:

    public function renderAction()
        if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
            $data = $this->get('my_city_rendering.handler.block_handler')->handle($request);

            // do what you want!

            $this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('success', 'Content saved!');
        return $this->render('myTwigTemplate', [
            'back_link'     => '/',
            'blocks'        => [] // an array of AbstractBlocks
            'is_editable'   => true,
            'save_bar_buttons` => '<a href="http://madebymany.github.io/sir-trevor-js/docs.html">Sir Trevor doc</a>',

The template:

        <title>SirTrevor example</title>
        <div>Some content that won't be editable by SirTrevor</div>
        <div>{{ cms_render(blocks) }}</div>


Allowed blocks

By defaults not all SirTrevor blocks are enabled, you can modify it in bundle configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
        # below are blocks enabled by default
        # you can remove one of course!
        - Heading
        - Text
        - List
        - Quote
        # and I also want to add SirTrevor Image & Video blocks (watch out file upload are not handled at the moment)
        - Image
        - Video
        - Tweet


When the content is rendered, we are using a blocks_theme to determine the HTML for each block (in a manner pretty similar to Symfony2 Form theme). A default implementation is included; if you want to customize it, you can set your own Twig template in configuration.

All blocks are rendered within a render_template you can also override.

# app/config/config.yml
    blocks_theme: EdsiTechSirTrevorBundle:Render:_blocks_theme.html.twig
    render_template: EdsiTechSirTrevorBundle:Render:base.html.twig

Adding an extra CSS or JS file

You can inject another JS file, loaded after included JS libraries but before the editor is initialized. A common use case is to add some SirTrevor blocks.

In the same manner, you can also add a CSS file, that will be included after all ours stylesheets.

# app/config/config.yml
        - Text
        - Heading
        - Custom # tip: do not forget to enable your custom block!
    extra_js_file: 'bundles/acmedemo/js/custom-block.js'
    extra_css_file: 'bundles/acmedemo/css/style.css'

Going further

Getting Editor instance

You can retrieve the SirTrevor instance in JS by doing SirTrevor.getInstance()