


Automatically download all songs from an album from KH Insider's Video Game Music site with format chooser


The Video Game Music site has a lot of video game music, but it's a pain to download them one by one. This script will download all songs from an album with a format chooser.

This script is for educational purposes only. I do not condone piracy. Please support the original artists by purchasing their music.
Also, the website have the ability to download all songs from an album in a zip file. If you're interested AND can afford it, donate to them (more info on their FAQ).


Python 3+ (download here) and git to download the repo (or just download the .py file, in such case skip the second command)

pip install BeautifulSoup requests
git clone https://github.com/EDM115/VGM-KHI-download.git && cd VGM-KHI-download


  1. Run the script
python VGM_DL.py
  1. Enter the path where you want to save the songs (ex C:\Users\EDM115\Music\vgm or /home/EDM115/Music/vgm)
  2. Enter the URL of the album you want to download (ex https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/watch-dogs-2-original-game-soundtrack-2016)
  3. Let the script fetch all songs links (this takes a while)
  4. Choose the format of the songs you want to download (MP3, FLAC, ...) by typing the corresponding number
  5. Let the script download all songs


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.