


Notify supports Blender 2.7x and Blender 2.80. Notify Sends a system notification when your render is complete, works on linux and theoretically on Windows too, havent tested it there yet.

How to install:

  1. Clone or Download the github<br/>
  2. Extract files anywhere<br/>
  3. Open Blender<br/>
  4. Go to file / user preferences<br/>
  5. Click on the Add-on tab<br/>
  6. Hit install from file<br/>
  7. Locate the send_notify_2-8x.py or send_notify_2-7x.py (depending on your blender version)<br/>
  8. Check the box next to "system: notify" on your add-ons tab<br/>
  9. Save user settings.

Notify now supports notifications in 7 lenguages: English, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, French, German and Portuguese.<br/> Notify will auto detect the sytem lenguage.

<b>Missing/upcomming<b/> features: options to send sms and e-mail notifications.