

GeoMorphs for OpenSea

Adapted for hardhat from https://github.com/ProjectOpenSea/opensea-creatures Uses Arweave to store contract and image metadata.

Quick start

git clone https://github.com/dynamiculture/geomorphs-contract
cd geomorphs-contract
npm i
# list hardhat tasks:
npx hardhat

Install hardhat-shorthand

npm i -g hardhat-shorthand
hardhat-completion install
# hh == npx hardhat

Create Infura and Etherscan Accounts

Create free accounts on:

Create .env (listed in .gitignore). Do not check in .env to public repo:

cp .env.sample .env

enter the following values into .env:

Deploy and test locally

Clean, compile and test:

hh clean
hh compile
hh test
hh coverage

Local deployment and mint

hh node

In a new terminal, go to the repository's root folder and run this to deploy your contract:

hh deploy --network localhost

update LOCALHOST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS .env with address of newly deployed contract.

hh mint-token --network localhost --metadata-uri ar://8_NZWr4K9d6N8k4TDbMzLAkW6cNQnSQMLeoShc8komM

Set up Metadata and Image for Contract

arkb wallet-save <json file>

arkb deploy assets/geomorphs.jpg

After Arweave deployment, update value for "image" with the resulting Arweave URL in geomorphs-contract.json. Deploy geomorphs-contract.json:

arkb deploy assets/geomorphs-contract.json

Update "contractURI" in contracts/GeoMorphs.sol

Set up Metadata and Images for First Minted Work

Upload image as a 480x480 animated gif:

ffmpeg -i geomorphs-1.mp4 -vf scale=480:-1 geomorphs-1.gif
arkb deploy assets/geomorphs-1.gif

After Arweave deployment, update "image" with the resulting Arweave URL (ar://<hash>) in geomorphs-1.json.

Upload animation_url as a 1024x1024 mp4 with vcodec H.264, pixel format YUV 4:2:0, and CRF 25. Arweave image or video should be less than 10MB:

arkb deploy assets/geomorphs-1.mp4

After Arweave deployment, update "animation_url" with the resulting Arweave URL (ar://<hash>) in geomorphs-1.json. Deploy geomorphs-1.json:

arkb deploy assets/geomorphs-1.json

Note new Arweave path (ar://<hash>) to token metadata file for minting

Deploy to Rinkeby

Get ether on Rinkeby: https://faucet.rinkeby.io/

Supply the private key of the contract owner in .env:

Deploy contract to Rinkeby:

hh deploy --network rinkeby

Note the deployed contract's address and update value in .env:

Verify on Rinkeby

Run the following command, by providing the new contract address. The last value is a constructor argument, OpenSea's proxy address on Rinkeby:

hh verify --network rinkeby --contract contracts/GeoMorphs.sol:GeoMorphs <contract-address> 0xf57b2c51ded3a29e6891aba85459d600256cf317

Check code and abi on Rinkeby

Visit the following URL, by providing the new contract address: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/_contract-address_

Mint to Rinkeby

hh mint-token --network rinkeby --metadata-uri ar://JHlikZmbJfG7CoRbSk3DnqGZnPD8BSLz7W9RwoS0OV8

Check contract on OpenSea

Go to https://testnets.opensea.io/ connect wallet using the Rinkeby network. Choose "My Collections" and "Import an existing smart contract". Enter the Rinkeby Contract Address.

Deploy to mainnet

hh deploy --network mainnet

note the depoloyed contract's address and update value in .env:

Verify on mainnet

Run the following command, by providing the new contract address. The last value is a constructor argument, OpenSea's proxy address on mainnet:

hh verify --network mainnet --contract contracts/GeoMorphs.sol:GeoMorphs <contract-address> 0xa5409ec958c83c3f309868babaca7c86dcb077c1

Check code and abi on mainnet

Visit the following URL, by providing the new contract address: https://etherscan.io/address/_contract-address__#code

Mint to mainnet

hh mint-token --network mainnet --metadata-uri ar://JHlikZmbJfG7CoRbSk3DnqGZnPD8BSLz7W9RwoS0OV8

Check contract on OpenSea

Go to https://opensea.io/ and connect wallet using the mainnet network. Choose "My Collections" and "Import an existing smart contract". Enter the mainnet Contract Address.