


Reads the DolphinStoreData struct from dolphin.state files.



python3 dolphin_state.py <path-to-dolphin.state>


icounter: Contains the amount of EXP flipper has

butthurt: Level of happiness flipper has - BUTTHURT_MAX = 14

With the --icounter and --butthurt the output dolphin.state can be modified. The script will automaticly update the checksum for the file. The --out parameter must be set.

Setting EXP

python3 dolphin_state.py dolphin.state --icounter=1337 --out dolphin-new.state

Setting the Mood (Butthurt)

python3 dolphin_state.py dolphin.state --butthurt=14 --out dolphin-new.state

Setting EXP and Mood

python3 dolphin_state.py dolphin.state --icounter=1337 --butthurt=14 --out dolphin-new.state


[+] Read 40 bytes from dolphin.state
[+] Updating icounter to 1337
[+] Saving dolphin state to new-dolphin.state
[+] Calculated new checksum: 161
[+] Saved output to: new-dolphin.state
[+] SavedStructHeader
    magic:                       208
    version:                     1
    checksum:                    161
    flags:                       0
    timestamp:                   0

[+] DolphinStoreData
    DolphinAppSubGhz:		 0
    DolphinAppRfid:		 20
    DolphinAppNfc:		 20
    DolphinAppIr:		 0
    DolphinAppIbutton:		 0
    DolphinAppBadusb:		 0
    DolphinAppU2f:		 2
    butthurt_daily_limit:	 46

    flags:			 0
    icounter:			 1337
    butthurt:			 14
    timestamp:			 1678561214 (2023-03-11 14:00:14)

[+] Passport
    level:			 2
    mood:			 Angry enough to leave
    percent complete:		 69.13%


> python3 dolphin_state.py -h 
usage: dolphin_state.py [-h] file

Read the contents of a flipper-zero's dolphin.state

positional arguments:
  file        Path of the dolphin.state file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Reading / Writing the dolphin.state

  1. Use the file manager version of the qflipper software for PC.
  2. Open the internal flash storage
  3. Drag and drop the dolphin.state file to read/write it to the flipper!


Thanks to the FlipperZero team for developing this awsome product!