

TeslaData Widget

A Scriptable widget to pull data from a given API, eg. TeslaFi, Teslalogger, Tronity to display a widget on your iPhone.

<img src="documentation/screen_001.png" width="400" />   <img src="documentation/screen_003.png" width="400" />   <img src="documentation/screen_001_med.png" width="400" />


Install with Scriptdude

<img src="https://scriptdu.de/download.svg" width="120" />

Manual Install

Manual Update


TeslaFi API

You obviously need a TeslaFi account (and a Tesla). Get your API Key.

API url: https://www.teslafi.com/feed.php?token=YOUR_API_KEY&command=lastGood&encode=1

Other API

If you use other tools like TeslaLogger, Tronity, etc. you only have to provide json file with the following data (more details on the required fields):

{ "response":null, "battery_level":27, "usable_battery_level":26, "charge_limit_soc":90, "carState":"Idling", "Date":"2020-10-28T14:57:15Z", "sentry_mode":0, "display_name":"Name", "locked":1, "is_climate_on":0, "inside_temp":14.6, "driver_temp_setting":22.0, "measure":"km", "est_battery_range":90.605842, "battery_range":125.2227454, "time_to_full_charge":0.0, "fast_charger_type":"<invalid>" }

API url (eg.): https://MY_USER:MY_PASS@MY_URL.com/api.json


At medium sizes, the widget will show a map with the location of the car, but only if your API includes long/lat and you have a key from MapQuest. Visit https://developer.mapquest.com/ to create an account and get an API. Then, add the API key in your parameters.js file.


There are a few options if you want to turn on/off battery percentage and estimated range (and if you'd like to use the car's range, or the TeslaFi estimate). These options are the constants at the top of the file (set the variables as true/false)

Note, due to the lag with TeslaFi pulling data from your car, and the lag of iOS pulling the data, the resulting display could be ~5 minutes stale (and the data could be hours or even a day old because TeslaFi lets the car sleep, so its not sending data)


This should support:


To add themes to TeslaData you need to add theme files to the tesla_data file, and modify the custom_theme variable at the top of the widget code. To get an overview of themes, you can look at the Theme Listing page.

Outstanding Bugs

Notes for Developers

Starting with v1.5 TeslaData now supports theming. The theme file is loaded right before the widget is drawn and displayed, so the theme can override any existing code (so you can change how things work without worrying about your code being overwritten with future updates of Tesla Data).

Note: due to the way themes are includes, debugging information from Scriptable is lacking. For testing purposes, it is probably best to develop by adding code to the end of the main Javascript file, and moving the code to a theme file once the code is running properly.

Starting with v1.5 The all colors are defined as an obect at the top of the file. These can be overriden if you want to make changes (you should use a theme file for this).

Starting with v1.5 TeslaData will optionally pull JSON files from iCloud for testing purposes. Place your JSON files in the tesla_themes directory on iCloud, and tell the widget to pull the data by modifying the debug_data string (i.e. debug_data = "standard" will load the "standard.json" file and ignore the URL).

You can inject your own code without affecting the TeslaData codebase via theming and/or parameters.js The parameters are loaded after the default values are set but before data is pulled from the API. The theme is loaded right before the widget is rendered, but after the data is loaded and processed. You can use the parameters.js file to inject code to change the way that code is loaded. You can create a car_data.postLoad function that will recieve the json from the API (so you can affect the information loaded into the car_data object before it's acted on).
