

<p align="center"> <img alt="Vcpkg Version" src="https://img.shields.io/vcpkg/v/rendergraph"> <a href="https://github.com/DragonJoker/RenderGraph/actions?query=workflow%3ABuild+event%3Apush"><img alt="Build status" src="https://github.com/DragonJoker/RenderGraph/workflows/Build/badge.svg?event=push"></a> <a href="https://codecov.io/gh/DragonJoker/RenderGraph" ><img src="https://codecov.io/gh/DragonJoker/RenderGraph/graph/badge.svg?token=E0IGAPHLJO"/></a> </p>


This library owes to be used to handle Vulkan render passes and image transitions smoothly.

It allows the user to register its render passes, along with their attachments (input, sampled, colour, depth stencil...), and will generate a runnable graph from that data.

Current status


RenderGraph uses CMake.

The only dependency is Vulkan-Headers, and the CMake variable holding its folder is VULKAN_HEADERS_INCLUDE_DIRS, which you need to set on command line, or by editing the CMakeCache.txt.