


Layer for AWS Lambda that provides PostgreSQL's libpq.so for your runtime.


To install this layer, you first have to compile PostgreSQL, then build the layer package and finally publish the layer to your AWS account.

Get source code

PostgreSQL is included as a submodule. Pull the version you want to add.

git submodule update --init --recursive

Then cd into postgresql and check out the version you want to use. You can find a list of tags here.

cd postgresql
git checkout tags/REL_11_2

Build PostgreSQL

Build according to documentation. If you have all prerequisites fulfilled, it should be as easy as running

make check

If everything compiled correctly, you get a message that all tests passed.

Build Layer

Run the build script in the project root.


Publish layer to your account

To be able to use the layer you must publish it to your account. You don't need to provide a compatible runtime, but without it the layer won't show up for selection in your lambda function. You can still add it with the ARN though.

aws lambda publish-layer-version \
  --layer-name postgres-libpq \
  --zip-file fileb://aws-libpg-layer.zip \
  --compatible-runtimes python3.7