

JSON Transformation Language

jsontl is a library inteded to allow transformation of JSON data using a JSON-based transformation language. For more information, see the specification proposal.

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The format for jsontl transforms (.jsontl files) is as follows:

	"jsontl": {
		"version": "0.1",
		"transform": {
			"Property": [{
				"operation": {
					"param": "value"

##Transform Definitions

JSONT transform definitions are defined by a JavaScript object containing, at a minimum, the name of a property of the object to transform, and an array of one or more Transform Operations to perform on that data.


	"Value": [
		"replace": {
			"with": "Two"

##Transformation Operations

So far, JSONT provides two basic transform operations: replace, and extend.


The replace operation replaces one value with another. It has one required and one optional argument.

	"replace": {
	"FirstName": {
		"with": "Bob",				// `with` value is required
		"when": {					// conditional `when` is optional
			"LastName": "Smith"


The extend operation recursively adds properties to an object. It has one required and one optional argument.

	"extend": {
		"MiddleInitial": "X",		// must provide at least one key/value pair to add
		"when" : {					// may optionally provide a `when` condition
			"FirstName" : "Bob"


The push operation adds a value to a property, if that property's value is an Array type.

	"push": {
		"some": "object"

####Conditional Operations

The when condition in JSONT transform operations defines an object with a set of key/value pairs that must all and match the values of that in the target object.

The if condition is similar to the when condition, but performs an OR operation. If any values provided match that of the data, the operation is excuted.


##Planned Improvements