

mpv-webp-generator for windows

Creates high quality animated webp using mpv hotkeys

Fruits Basket Season 2

Based on Scheliux's gif generator port to windows, which you cand find here.

Thanks to July who helped me with ffmpeg's parameters.



First of all, you must make sure ffmpeg is in your %PATH% and accesible via your command line. After ensuring this, clone or download as zip. Then, head to %APPDATA%/mpv/scripts and place mpv-webp.lua in there; if neither %APPDATA%/mpv nor %APPDATA%/mpv/scripts exist, you will have to create them. It's as easy as that!

How to install ffmpeg


Note this is still in progress and might not work properly

The three options the script offers (at least for now) are:

webp settings


You can use , and . to rewind or foward one frame at a time in order to select the desired starting and ending frames of the webp. You only need to define the start and ending times and to choose if exporting with or without subtitles. In order to do that, you can use the following hotkeys:

Stuff to do

If you wish to contribute, here are some suggestions: