


使用 C# 实现的 Ryu ,一个高性能浮点数转换为字符串的算法。

Ryu, implemented by C#, a high-performance algorithm for converting floats to strings.

2023-09-21 RyuCsharp update descriptions:

Usage example:

    // Array
    char[] charArray = new char[32]; // Need to ensure that the memory size is sufficient.
    var writtenLength = Ryu.d2s_buffered_n(3.1415926D, ref charArray[0]);
    Console.WriteLine(new string(charArray, 0, writtenLength)); // Output: 3.1415926E0

    // Span
    Span<char> charSpan = (new char[32]).AsSpan();
    var writtenLength = Ryu.d2s_buffered_n(3.1415926D, ref charSpan[0]);
    Console.WriteLine(charSpan.Slice(0, writtenLength).ToString()); // Output: 3.1415926E0

    // Pointer
    char* pChars = stackalloc char[32];
    Ryu.d2s_buffered(3.1415926D, ref *pChars);
    Console.WriteLine(new string(pChars)); // Output: 3.1415926E0