

IJCAI Tutorial T-22

A Hands-on Tutorial for Learning with Noisy Labels

T22: A Hands-on Tutorial for Learning with Noisy Labels

Presnetors: Yang Liu; Zhaowei Zhu; Jiaheng Wei; Hao Cheng

Time: Aug 20th (Morning)


Sec1_Intro.ipynb: Setups of Noisy Labels

Sec2_Est_Detect.ipynb: Includes Module 1: Estimate Transition Matrix; Module 2: Find label errors.

Sec3_lnl_cifarn.ipyn: Includes Module 3: Robust learning with noisy labels; Module 4: Real-world label noise and performance;

Sec4_challenge_future.ipynb: Includes Module 5: Challenges and Future Directions.

To run the code with Docta.ai, please install docta.ai first (and star if you think it is helpful).

pip install docta.ai