

Docker container for CubeViz

That is a Docker container for CubeViz and the source repository for the following Docker-Hub Repo.

Its based on OntoWik and installs the CubeViz extension and Virtuoso 7 as triplestore.


Build the docker image with the following command, but first replace <path/to/project> with the absolute path to the CubeViz project folder on your host system.

cd <path/to/project>
docker build -t aksw/dld-present-cubeviz .


To run the docker execute the following command:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -p 8890:8890 aksw/dld-present-cubeviz

With that you publish the Apache port 80 and the Virtuoso port 8890.

In case you want to override the virtuoso db folder, you can use:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -p 8890:8890 -v <path/to/project>CubeViz/data:/var/lib/virtuoso/db aksw/dld-present-cubeviz


After running the container you can access CubeViz in your browser on http://localhost:8080/