

Ansible Arch


Learning ansible?


The objective is to have an easy way to have fresh arch installation setup the way one desires. Reliably and with the least amount of effort. For this Ansible is used.

Ansible is an automation platform.<br> It executes tasks from playbooks on machines listed in inventory. Open source, developed by Red Hat. Written and dependent on python. Uses YAML configuration files. Agent-less, controlled machines need just ssh+python (linux) or winrm+powershell (windows).<br> Praised for simplicity.

This repo aims to be easily customizable, playbooks being as simple as possible. One should be able to look at them, see how stuff is done and make own changes.

How to execute

install arch linux (archinstall), log in to a non root account that can sudo

yes, you write $USER there, which puts in the user you are logged in <br> the -K is short for --ask-become-pass which will prompt for password

Removal<br> After running playbooks it be good to remove ansible package and bunch of its dependencies. Saves ~600MB and noise during updates.




useful terminal programs, settings, maintenance services





After experiencing a kernel regression, it became apparent that switch to lts kernel should be the default.<br> Archinstall script on ISO supports the choice of lts kernel during the installation. This playbook solves it for already running machines, if they use grub or systemd-boot.

Be careful. Snapshot before you try.

Local deployment

This is for a local deployment. Meaning the machine is changing itself, as oppose to more typical ansible use, where you run playbooks on one machine to change 143 virtual machines somewhere on the cloud.

To go from local to remote, edit inventory, replace local entries with IPs of machines you want to change.

Personal workflow

The core application is nnn file manager.<br> launched by n command, or nnnn to run it as root, but with user ENVS



bunch of linux commands

Encountered issues

disk commands