

(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling [*]                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             [*] Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)
(*        Mozilla Public License Version 2.0, MPL-2.0         *)

Quasi Morphisms for Almost Full relations (artifact)

This repository contains the artifact for the submission Quasi Morphisms for Almost Full relations to the TYPES 2024 conference.

The standalone Coq file af_morphism.v contains the developement and is largely commented. It has minimal dependencies, only on the standard library (distributed with Coq), and only on the List and Utf8 modules within the standard library. It is intented to be read and executed within an IDE for Coq such as eg CoqIDE or vscoq.

Any version of Coq starting from 8.13.0 and upto at least 8.19.1 should be ok to compile and/or review the file af_morphism.v. Since this is a single file, there is no need to pre-compile before reviewing.

For further information about Almost Full relations in Coq, the following libraries may be of interest:

The artifact file af_morphism.v was designed by extracting the necessary code from these libraries (so they are not needed for the review) and then cleaning up and commenting more specifically.


Concerning the use of Utf8 symbols in the code, we did not experience any display issues with CoqIDE in any of the opam installed versions from 8.13.0 and 8.19.1. Similarly, viewing the code in the Chrome browser directly on GitHub looks fine on our systems. Depending on the operating system, distribution or the IDE/browser, such issues might possibly arise if OS installed Utf8 symbols are incomplete/inconsistent with the IDE/browser.

Anyway, to possibly avoid such issues, we suggest the usage of an opam installed version of CoqIDE rather than the default OS version of the tool. This also allows to easily switch between different versions of Coq when developping general purpose code.