

<h1 align="center"><b>AI Belvedere</b></h1> <p align="center"> <img src="public/apple-touch-icon.png" width="100" /> </p>


AI Belvedere: Chatbot UI for Teams, Small Companies, or Families

A self-hosted chatbot UI indended to facilitate PAYG (Pay-As-You-Go) access to frontier AI LLM models for companies and small private groups (friends, families). Focuses on reduced complexity, easy selection of best supported models (currently by OpenAI and Anthropic). It is a full-stack app with a thin server-side part (API keys are server-side) and supports multi-user authentication by OpenID providers (Auth0 and Azure AD Single Sign-On) - but chat history is only stored locally on device and not logged by the back-end.

Originally based on "BetterChatGPT" project by Jing Hua (https://github.com/ztjhz/BetterChatGPT), but at this point it was significantly modified with little possibility to merge upstream.

🔥 Features

🔥 Screenshots

Main Screen - Chats

Main Screen Screenshot

New Chat model selection window

Models Selection Screenshot

⏳ Future Roadmap. Planned aspirationally

🛠️ Deployment to Koyeb.com + Auth0

Why Koyeb.com?

Deployment Guide

  1. Register on Koyeb.com, free "hobbyist" plan is enough

  2. Create a Service -> Web Service -> Docker

  3. Configure Docker Image

    • Repository: docker.io/dmitriyalergant/ai-belvedere:latest

    • Environment variables:

      • SERVER_PORT=5500
      • OPENAI_API_URL=https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions
      • OPENAI_API_KEY=(your project API key for OpenAI)
      • ANTHROPIC_API_URL=https://api.anthropic.com/v1/messages
      • ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=(your API key for Anthropic)
      • COMPANY_SYSTEM_PROMPT="A brief defauly system prompt instrusting LLM of its name (e.g. Belvedere), its role as an AI assistant to your family; Introducing your family to the AI Belvedere chatbot: who you are, what languages you speak, etc."
      • COMPANY_NAME= Your Company Name or Your Fmaily Name
      • DEMO_MODE=N
      • AUTH_AUTH0=N for now, only temporary, until Auth0 is configured!
    • Exposed ports: 5500

    • Validate app via the Koyeb-provided app URL (e.g.: https://gleaming-creater-something-something-213123432423.koyeb.app/)

    • At this point it should work, but still does not require authentication. Unsafe!

  4. Optionally: upgrade to a Starter plan to attach a Custom Domain

  5. Create an account on Auth0.com, create an Application (ex: "AI Belvedere - Appleseed family")

  6. In Auth0, do not create Social login connectors. If Google was enabled by default, remove it. With social logins enabled, Auth0 will not limit the users to a predefined list of allowed users: anyone on the web will be able to sign up and use LLM under your API keys. You don't want that

  7. In Auth0, in the User Management tab, create initial users with passwords. They will need to verify their emails (a verification email should come automatically)

  8. Go back to Koyeb app and add the following environment variables to enable authentication with Auth0

    • AUTH_AUTH0=Y
    • OIDC_BASEURL=https://gleaming-creater-something-something-213123432423.koyeb.app/
    • OIDC_CLIENTID=Your Auth0 ClientID from the application that was created there
    • OIDC_ISSUERBASEURL=Your Auth0 application URL, e.g. https://dev-llkj2l34kj34lj3455.us.auth0.com
    • AUTH_SECRET=(any random string)
  9. Test the app by navigating to the Koyeb-provided URL again. It should now properly authenticate users

🛠️ Deployment to Azure Container Apps

  1. Create a Resource Group
  2. Create Azure Container Registry (Basic Tier)
    • Enable Admin Access (but no need to retain the password)
  3. Build, tag and push docker image
    • Configure VITE environmen variables for the docker image
    • See command examples in the ./github/workflows/docker-image-to-acr.yml pipeline
  4. Create Azure Key Vault
    • IAM policy type
    • Grant yourself an IAM role Secrets Officer
    • Create secrets named openai-api-key, anthropic-api-key
  5. Create Azure Container App (and let it automatically create a Container App Environment)
    • Select a container from ACR
    • Define environment variables for the app:
    COMPANY_SYSTEM_PROMPT=A brief defauly system prompt instrusting LLM of its name (e.g. Belvedere), its role as an AI assistant to your family; Introducing your family to the AI Belvedere chatbot: who you are, what languages you speak, etc.
    COMPANY_NAME=Your Company Name or Your Fmaily Name
    • Enable Ingress to port 5500 (public)
  6. After the Container App is deployed:
    • Configure Scaling (1 .. 1)
    • Define "Secrets" (openai-api-key, anthropic-api-key) as references to a Key Vault
    • Adjust environment variables (OPENAI_API_KEY, ANTHROPIC_API_KEY) to reference these secrets
  7. Enable Authentication with Azure Entra ID
    • Details TBD, requires registration of an Azure App
  8. Enable Managed Identities and grant IAM Roles: - on Key Vault to the Container App [Key Vault Secrets User] - on ACR to the Container App [Role: AcrPull Role]

🛠️ For Azure Container Apps, enabling logging to Azure Logs Analytics workspace (optional)

TBD step-by-step guide on creating ALA Workspace, Data Collection Endpoint, and Data Source tables;

TBD configuring environment variables;

TBD managed identity grants

TBD validation and recommended Kusto queries

🛠️ Running it locally with client app pre-built and statically served

This local running mode is useful for testing authentication-related code and configurations (ex. with Auth0)

  1. Ensure that you have the following installed:

    • node.js (v14.18.0 or above)
    • npm (6.14.15 or above)
  2. Clone this repository

  3. Create .env.server.local file to configure server-side

    COMPANY_SYSTEM_PROMPT=A brief defauly system prompt instrusting LLM of its name (e.g. Belvedere), its role as an AI assistant to your family; Introducing your family to the AI Belvedere chatbot: who you are, what languages you speak, etc.
    COMPANY_NAME=Your Company Name or Your Fmaily Name
  4. Create .env.production file to configure client-side build

  5. Run npm install

  6. Launch the app by running **npm run client-build && npm run server**

  7. Navigate to http://localhost:5500

🛠️ Running it locally for client-side debugging through Vite

This local running mode is useful for debugging React client code

  1. Ensure that you have the following installed:

    • node.js (v14.18.0 or above)
    • npm (6.14.15 or above)
  2. Clone this repository

  3. Create .env.server.local and .env.develipment files

    Same as above. See previous chapter "Running it locally with client app built and statically served by the Server"

  4. Run npm install

  5. Launch the app by running **npm run dev**

  6. Navigate to http://localhost:5173

  7. When the app loads, in Settings -> API Settings, chose "Development Endpoint" (localhost:5500/api)