


(Very) Simple graphical editor for placing tiles from isometric texture atlases on staggered isometric maps. Made especially for the wonderful Kenney.nl isometric assets! It is implemented using Haxe and the new excellent luxe framework. It snaps to a grid as guide, but the tiles stores its own positions as sprites. There are no max limits to maps (other than theoretical). Note that the tile sizes are read directly from the atlas and thus they are not limited to a fixed tile size.

Tested and built for Windows, Mac and Linux. Web version also works, but it is limited with regards to save/load and shortcut keys.

Main features

Not supported

The following main features are currently not supported yet

Planned features / bugs

The issue tracker contains list of bugs and enhancements. The 2 current 'serious' issues being:


It's most likely not bug-free so usage is solely your own responsibility obviously.


The source code is licensed under the MIT license. The assets from Kenney.nl are licensed under Creative Commons Zero, CC0. He appreciates donations which I highly recommend if you want to use his work!

Quick Guide

A brief overview of the main functions for the editors. The editor includes the following tilesheets by default:

They contain some predefined information - some groups are defined and offsets for some of the building tiles.

Note that the Mac meta key <kbd></kbd> can be used wherever <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> key is denoted.

Command line parameters

Note that due to atlasing of tilesheets and the way GL renders textures, artifacts can occur when using (default) linear texture interpolation. There are some workarounds for this, but I have taken the easy path and changing the default texture parameters to nearest. I have created a command line option to change this on desktop builds:

Editor basics

Selector basics

Path basics

Test basics

Shortcut Keys

In general, <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> is used for most editor commands. The notable exception being <kbd>Tab</kbd> which brings up the tile selector / group and <kbd>Space</kbd> which toggles test mode.


The base grid size is currently 64x32 which allows for fine placement.

Tile selector / Group editor

Path editor

Test mode