

Fullstack AES encryption and decryption app that uses the crypto-js NPM package

This repository contains an example of Python code executing JavaScript code from an NPM package using PythonMonkey. The Python code here is a web server that uses the CryptoJS NPM package to encrypt and decrypt messages using AES.

PythonMonkey is a Python library for executing JavaScript code in Python and Python code in JavaScript. Check out our website https://pythonmonkey.io/!




$ pip install pythonmonkey <!-- TODO: add full instructions for installing PythonMonkey -->

$ npm install

Running the Example

$ python3 main.py

Open http://localhost:9000/ on your browser

Other Examples

For simpler and more comprehensive examples showing off Promises, WebAssembly and more PythonMonkey features, refer to https://github.com/Distributive-Network/PythonMonkey-examples/.