

<h1 align="center">Discord Tauri</h1> <p align="center"> Discord Tauri is a work in progress Discord wrapper made in <a href="https://tauri.studio">Tauri</a>. </p>


I asked myself, how would Discord be if it was built in Tauri? I could only imagine super low memory usage so I got a PoC working in a week.

This project's purpose is to, not only know how Discord would be if it was built in Tauri; but also learn about Discord's inner workings and possibly get more people to know about Tauri!


Made with same procedure and in the same system (WINDOWS).

Your results will probably vary, this benchmark was taken years ago.

If these results are good, they are thanks to Tauri, not because the Discord dev team is bad.

If these results are bad, Tauri is still a great library! Also, good job Discord!

DetailDiscord TauriDiscord
Installer Size2.83 MiB67.57 MiB
Installed Size (without Cache)20 MiB326 MiB
Max. Memory Usage650 MB630 MB
Avg. Memory Usage (after load)550 MB535 MB
Min. Memory Usage (after load)500 MB490 MB
Launch Time5.08s7.41s

The following results were obtained with an almost brand new account: 3 servers, 1 friend.

DetailDiscord TauriDiscord
Max. Memory Usage580 MB640 MB
Avg. Memory Usage (after load)512 MB516 MB
Min. Memory Usage (after load)460 MB450 MB
Launch Time3.06s2.83s

List of features


You can find building instructions on the wiki!


What is Discord Tauri?

It's a Discord wrapper that uses the lightweight library Tauri. In the current state of development, we are replicating the original Discord client behavior.

Is this against Discord's ToS?

Yes. Every Discord mod is against the ToS, altough, it seems like Discord still doesn't care too much about it. Quoting Wired's article about BetterDiscord: "BetterDiscord is not an officially sanctioned app; and likely it breaks Discord’s terms of service, which prohibit modifying Discord. But the software has been installed more than 5.3 million times since 2015, and its developers say they have not seen Discord take action against users for modifying the client".

Is this project abandoned?

No. But I'm a student and it's hard to add features and fix bugs while having to do homework.

Wait, this isn't that lightweight. What's up with that?

Well, think of Tauri and Electron as browsers. When you have some app like Discord, that has a lot of images, the RAM usage goes crazy. The only way to create a "really lightweight" Discord client would be to make a native interface in something like Qt.