



This repository contains the implementation for "GAN-Leaks: A Taxonomy of Membership Inference Attacks against Generative Models" (CCS 2020)

Data Preparation

Download the CelebA (aligned and cropped face) dataset and split the data into disjoint training (positive query), testing (negative query) and reference set. Save the png images into separate folders.


We provide a Tensorflow (used for pggan, wgangp and dcgan) and a Pytorch (used for vaegan) implementation of our attack models. The environments can be set up by using Anaconda with the following commands.

GAN Models

We pre-train the following victim GAN Models.

Attack Models


To compute the AUC ROC value and plot the ROC curve:

cd attack_models/tools
python eval_roc.py --attack_type "fbb/pbb/wb" \
-ldir "Directory of the attack results" \
-rdir "Directory of the attack results on reference model (optional)"
-sdir "Directory for saving the evaluation results (optional)" 

Pre-trained Models

Pre-trained victim model checkpoints can be downloaded using the links below. Specifically, the victim models are trained on 20k images with identity-based split. The selected images can be found here, with "identity index"(first column) and "image file name"(second column).

victim modellinklinklinklink


author = {Dingfan Chen and Ning Yu and Yang Zhang and Mario Fritz},
title = {GAN-Leaks: A Taxonomy of Membership Inference Attacks against Generative Models},
booktitle = {ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)},
year = {2020}


Our implementation uses the source code from the following repositories: