

Machine Question Answering with Attention-based Convolutional Neural Networks

This code accompanies the paper [Comparing Attention-based Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks: Success and Limitations in Machine Reading Comprehension](arxiv link) published at CoNLL 2018.

If you use or reimplement any of this source code, please cite the following paper:

  title =     {Comparing Attention-based Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks:
               Success and Limitations in Machine Reading Comprehension},
  author =    {Blohm, Matthias and Jagfeld, Glorianna and Sood, Ekta and Yu, Xiang and Vu, Thang},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2018)},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  location =  {Brussels, Belgium},
  year =      {2018}


  1. All paths in these instructions are provided relative to the repository's source folder 'story_understanding'. The code was only tested under Linux and will for sure not run under Windows without adapations due to the file path formattings.

  2. Create (virtual) environment with Python 3.6

    • python3 -m venv --system-site-packages virtualenv-dir
    • source virtualenv-dir/bin/activate
  3. Install TensorFlow version 1.5.

    • pip3 install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/cpu/tensorflow-1.5.1-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
    • Maybe you need to install the additional dependencies matplotlib, pysrt via pip
  4. To obtain the MovieQA data, register for an account. Download the MovieQA dataset, unzip it and put the contents into the folder "src/movieqa/data". You need the folders 'data' and 'story' and the scripts config.py, data_loader.py, story_loader.py, init.py. Since the python scripts of the MovieQA dataset preprocessing code are in python2, but our code is written in python3 you have to convert the scripts data_loader.py and story_loader.py to python3 by calling the following script from within the folder 'src/movieqa'

    python convert_movieqa_to_python3.py
  5. Download pretrained GloVe model and extract them into a folder called "glove". If the embeddings are stored elsewhere, the PRETRAINED_EMBEDDINGS_PATH variable in the config file needs to be changed.

  6. The sentence-level black-box adversarial attack requires nltk and the Brown corpus resource.

Reproducing the main results (model training and evaluation): Hierarchical Attention-based Compare-Aggregate Model & Compare-Aggregate Model

To train models and evaluate them on the validation or test set, the script src/main.py is used, which has to be called within the src directory.

python main.py MODE MODEL_TYPE MODEL_NAME [opts]

MODE: train, val, or test
MODEL_TYPE: word-level-cnn, cnn, lstm
MODEL_NAME: Name of the trained model to save or load

MODEL_TYPES: Our hierarchical attention-based compare-aggregate models have MODEL_TYPE cnn (CNN aggregation function) and lstm (RNN-LSTM aggregation function). The word-level only CNN, corresponding to our own slightly modified reimplementation of the Compare-Aggregate model of Wang & Jiang (ICLR 2017), has MODEL_TYPE word_level_cnn.

The outputs are stored in a folder src/movieqa/outputs/MODE_{MODEL_NAME}.

Example call to train a hierarchical model with lstm aggregation function called 'A' from within 'src' folder:

python main.py train cnn A

mode == train produces the following outputs in src/movieqa/outputs/train_{MODEL_NAME}:

IMPORTANT: When training for the first time, the dataset records and embeddings have to be created. For this to be triggered, the folder specified in data_conf.py/RECORD_DIR must not be present/created yet.

The following subfolders will be created under src/movieqa/RECORD_DIR:

Example call to evaluate a hierarchical model with CNN aggregation called 'A' on the validation set:

python main.py val cnn A

mode == val produces the following outputs in src/movieqa/outputs/val_{MODEL_NAME}.

Creating and Evaluating Ensembles

Majority-vote ensembles can be evaluated by the script src/eval_ensemble.py. You can find a usage example in src/run.sh. Before running ensemble evaluation on the validation set for the first time, you have to create the gold labels file 'src/movieqa/data/data/labels_val.txt' by running from 'src/movieqa'

python get_validation_labels.py data/data/qa.json

Adversarial Experiments

Note that all adversarial experiments were only implemented for the hierarchical models and are likely not to work with the word-level CNN.

Black-box attacks

Word-level black-box adversarial attack

Create a modified version of the validation set by calling the following script from the folder 'src/movieqa'

python modify_movieqa.py data/data/qa.json data/validation_synonyms_word_level_black_box_attack.csv data/data/qa_val_synonyms.json

Evaluate trained models on the modified validation set as follows (call from 'src' folder):

python main.py val cnn A -eval_file_version synonyms

Sentence-level black box adversarial attack

Get list of 1000 common English words from Brown corpus by running script src/movieqa/adversarial_addAny/english_words.py from within the 'adversCreation' folder.

Add the 1000 common English words to the vocabulary by running from 'src/movieqa'

python adversarial_addAny/add_common_words_to_vocab.py

Since these attacks are computationally very expensive, we only ran them on a random subset of 200 validation set questions. To obtain this subset in 'src/movieqa/' run

python preprocess.py data/200_random_validation_qas_white_box_attacks.txt

This will extract the 200 random validation instances we used to val.pickle (texts) and val.tfrecords in 'src/movieqa/records/val_random_200'.

Create adversarial sentences with the addCommon attack for all CNN models in 'movieqa/outputs/'cnn_adversarial_eval_models'; run from 'src' folder':

python adversarial_sentence_level_black_box.py create_examples cnn addC cnn_adversarial_eval_models $PROJECT/story-understanding/src/movieqa/records/val_random_200/ -examples_folder addC_adversarial_examples

Evaluate the models on the created adversarial sentences:

python adversarial_sentence_level_black_box.py eval_examples cnn addC cnn_adversarial_eval_models $PROJECT/story-understanding/src/movieqa/records/val_random_200/ -examples_folder addC_adversarial_examples

White-box attacks

The white-box attacks are started via 'adversarial_white_box.py' from the 'src' folder. The average accuracy for the evaluated dataset is written to 'src/movieqa/outputs/{EVAL_SET}adversarial{ATTACK_LEVEL}-level_whitebox_{MODEL_NAME}/accuracy.txt'. See the script for further options.

Word-level white-box adversarial attack

Remove 5 most attended to plot words from the most attended sentence of all CNN models in 'movieqa/outputs/'cnn_adversarial_eval_models' and evaluate on the validation set.

python adversarial_white_box.py val cnn cnn_adversarial_eval_models word -num_modified_words 5

Sentence-level white-box adversarial attack

Remove most attended sentence of all CNN models in 'movieqa/outputs/'cnn_adversarial_eval_models' and evaluate on the validation set.

python adversarial_white_box.py val cnn cnn_adversarial_eval_models sentence