

Base16 for HexChat (and XChat)

See the Base16 repository for more information, and was built with base16-builder-python.

This template maps Base16 colors in a way to preserve the original intent of mIRC and HexChat colors, whose color palettes contain colors not identically representable with Base16.



Copy your chosen theme from the colors directory, and replace the colors.conf in your HexChat configuration directory:

Script (unix systems only)

Switch themes using the theme switcher script. It accepts a single argument which is the kebab-case name of the theme. For example:

./bin/base16-hexchat-theme gruvbox-dark-medium

Run from anywhere

Add the following to your shell *rc file and make sure the path to where you cloned base16-hexchat is correct:

export PATH=/your/path/to/base16-hexchat/bin:$PATH

Open a new terminal window or source your shell file and now you can switch the theme easily from anywhere.

base16-hex-theme gruvbox-dark-medium

Documentation of colors.conf format

(Borrowed from jtmohr, thank you)

01 - 15mIRC colors
16MOTD indicator
17User level indicators ( ~, &, @, %, +)
18Primary nick color (when not using "colored nick names"), channel action or message
19Nick color #1, join message
20Nick color #2
21Channel message, action highlight
22Nick color #3, server messages
23Quit and part messages
24Nick color #4, notify and ignore header
25Nick color #5, user angle bracket color
26Nick color #6, DCC and channel messages
27Nick color #7, some whois, nick angle bracket color
28Nick color #8, some whois, NickServ dashes
29Nick color #9, channel topic color
30User message, some whois, some DCC
31User nick color
256Selected foreground
257Selected background
258Default foreground
259Default background
260Marker line
261New data
263New message
264Away user
265Spell checker