

Aprof - Java Memory Allocation Profiler

What is it?

The Aprof project is a Java Memory Allocation Profiler with very low performance impact on profiled application. It acts as an agent which transforms class bytecode by inserting counter increments wherever memory allocation is done.


Download binaries of the latest release here:

<a href='https://bintray.com/devexperts/Maven/aprof/_latestVersion'><img src='https://api.bintray.com/packages/devexperts/Maven/aprof/images/download.svg'></a>.

Using Aprof

The profiled application should be run with additional JVM argument:

java -javaagent:aprof.jar <your-application>

To get help on configuration parameters, run

java -jar aprof.jar

Do not rename agent file "aprof.jar"!


Documentation can be found at the project's homepage: https://code.devexperts.com/display/AProf/

How it works

See presentation on Joker Conference 2014: http://www.slideshare.net/elizarov/aprof-jocker-2014


Feel free to submit feature requests and bug reports at aprof@devexperts.com


This software is licensed under the terms of GPL 3.0 found in the file named "LICENSE". The distribution also contains binaries from the ASM project, licensed under terms found in the file named "LICENSE.asm".