<a id="contents"></a>
<!-- MarkdownTOC --> <!-- /MarkdownTOC -->ART is an auto-encoding based retriever training algorithm developed for the task of passage retrieval.
<p align="center"> <img src="images/art-model.png"> </p>ART maximizes the retrieved passage likelihood computed from the dense retriever by considering the language model question reconstruction score conditioned on the passage as a soft-label. Colored blocks indicate trainable parameters. Red arrows show gradient flow during backpropagation.
<a id="setup"></a>
To use this repo, a standard installation of PyTorch along with Apex is needed. We provide dependencies (and their versions used in our work) in the requirements.txt file.
We recommend using one of NGC's more recent containers that come with PyTorch and Apex pre-installed. The docker image we used can be pulled with the command
docker pull
. To use this docker image, an installation of the Nvidia container toolkit is also required. -
To run the above image in an interactive mode, please use this command
, where /mnt/disks
is the directory to be mounted.
- Over the docker container, please install the libraries
, andjsonlines
using pip install.
<a id="downloading-data-and-checkpoints"></a>
Downloading Data and Checkpoints
We have provided datasets and initial retriever checkpoints to train models for dense retrieval.
We have also provided a script
that will download all the required datasets.
Run this script by providing a directory path in the first argument.
bash examples/helper-scripts/ DIRNAME
These files can also be downloaded separately by using the wget
command-line utility and the links provided below.
Required data files for training
- Wikipedia evidence passages
- BERT pre-tokenized evidence passages and their titles
- T0 pre-tokenized evidence passages and their titles: This will work for both T0 and T5 models.
- Training and evaluation datasets: NQ-Open, Nq-Full, TriviaQA, SQuAD1, WebQ, EntityQuestions, MS MARCO.
- BERT-large vocabulary file
The BERT pre-tokenized evidence file(s) can also be obtained by the command:
python tools/ --input /mnt/disks/project/data/wikipedia-split/psgs_w100.tsv --tsv-keys text title --tokenizer-type BertWordPieceLowerCase --vocab-file /mnt/disks/project/bert-vocab/bert-large-uncased-vocab.txt --output-prefix wikipedia-evidence-bert --workers 25
The T0/T5 pre-tokenized evidence file(s) can also be obtained by the command:
python tools/ --input /mnt/disks/project/data/wikipedia-split/psgs_w100.tsv --tsv-keys text title --output-prefix wikipedia-evidence-t0 --workers 25
Required checkpoints and pre-computed evidence embeddings
- Masked Salient Span (MSS) pre-trained retriever
- Precomputed evidence embedding using MSS retriever: This is a big file with 32 GB size.
The evidence embeddings for a retriever checkpoint can be computed and evaluated with the command
bash examples/indexer-scripts/ RETRIEVER_CHECKPOINT_PATH
Please ensure to change the data path in this script.
For example, to compute the Wikipedia evidence embeddings corresponding to the above MSS retreiver checkpoint and evaluate it on NQ-Open dev and test sets, it can be done with
bash examples/indexer-scripts/ mss-retriever-base/iter_0082000
<a id="training"></a>
We have provided an example script for training models for dense retriever in
directory. Please ensure to change the data and checkpoint paths in these scripts. If you have downloaded the data in the previous step using the download script, then just provide the DIRNAME path in line 3. -
To replicate the results on the Natural Questions-Open (NQ-Open) dataset, please run the script as
bash examples/zero-shot-retriever-training/ 2>&1 | tee art-training-T0-3B-log.txt
This script uses (unsupervised) masked salient spans (MSS) pre-trained retriever to initialize the retriever weights, and T0-3B pre-trained language model weights for the cross-attention scorer.
This script trains the base configuration of dense retriever for 10 epochs, 64 batch size (per GPU batch size of 4), retrieves 32 documents at every step and optimizes using Adam optimizer. After every 500 steps, the code is setup to re-compute evidence document embeddings and evaluates on both the dev and test sets.
Retriever checkpoints are saved after every
steps. Recomputing evidence embeddings can be configured using the option of--index-reload-interval
and evaluation interval can be configured using the option of--eval-interval
. It is recommended to set--eval-interval
as a multiple of--save-interval
. The option of--shard-size
controls for how many topk documents for a question to select for the cross-attention step. A smaller value should lower the memory footprint in GPUs. -
For training, we used a single node of 16 A100 GPUs with 40GB GPU memory. The training can also be performed on 8 A100 GPUs (with 40GB or 80GB RAM) or 8 A6000 GPUs (with 48GB RAM).
Using Ampere GPUs provides speed ups and memory savings as the T0 model can be used in
floating-point format with the argument--t0-model-in-bf16
. However, when working with V100 GPUs, this argument should be removed as they don't supportbf16
data type and the training could be much slower. -
When using 8 GPUs, please set the per GPU batch size to 8 with the argument
--batch-size 8
as this will lead to a global batch size of 64. -
We used the same hyperparameters as mentioned in the above script for other datasets as well, except for WebQuestions where we used a batch size of 16 and 20 epochs for training.
When training with T5-lm-adapted-xxl PLM (11B), we use a batch size of 32 and retrieve top-16 passages at every step. We provide a separate script for this training
bash examples/zero-shot-retriever-training/ 2>&1 | tee art-training-T5-lm-adapted-11B-log.txt
- Once training is completed, the retriever checkpoint can be saved from the model checkpoint (in ${CHECKPOINT_PATH}) as
python tools/ --load ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} --save ${RETRIEVER_CHECKPOINT_PATH} --submodel-name "retriever"
- MS MARCO: The details for training on MS MARCO dataset are included in the branch
. The code is not very clean but the default scripts should work fine.
<a id="pre-trained-checkpoints"></a>
Pre-trained Checkpoints
- We have provided pre-trained retriever checkpoints whose URL is indicated in the (url) tag. The evidence embeddings for a retriever checkpoint can be computed and evaluated with the command
bash examples/indexer-scripts/ RETRIEVER_CHECKPOINT_PATH/iter_000xxyy
Please ensure to change the data path in this script.
Top-20 / top-100 accuracy when trained using questions from each dataset.
- "Multi" setting denotes that a single retriever model has been trained using the questions from all the datasets.
Retriever | Cross-Attention PLM | SQuAD-Open | TriviaQA | NQ-Open | WebQ |
ART | T5-lm-adapt (11B) | 74.2 / 84.3 (url) | 82.5 / 86.6 (url) | 80.2 / 88.4 (url) | 74.4 / 82.7 (url) |
ART-Multi (url) | T5-lm-adapt (11B) | 72.8 / 83.2 | 82.2 / 86.6 | 81.5 / 88.5 | 74.8 / 83.7 |
ART | T0 (3B) | 75.3 / 85.0 (url) | 82.9 / 87.1 (url) | 81.6 / 89.0 (url) | 75.7 / 84.3 (url) |
ART-Multi (url) | T0 (3B) | 74.7 / 84.5 | 82.9 / 87.0 | 82.0 / 88.9 | 76.6 / 85.0 |
Top-20 / top-100 accuracy when trained using all the questions released in the Natural Questions dataset (NQ-Full) and / or MS MARCO.
Training Questions | Checkpoint | Cross-Attention PLM | SQuAD-Open | TriviaQA | NQ-Open | WebQ |
NQ-Full | url | T5-lm-adapt (11B) | 67.3 / 79.0 | 79.4 / 84.9 | 81.7 / 88.8 | 73.4 / 82.9 |
NQ-Full | url | T0 (3B) | 69.4 / 81.1 | 80.3 / 85.7 | 82.0 / 88.9 | 74.3 / 83.9 |
MS MARCO | url | T0 (3B) | 68.4 / 80.4 | 78.0 / 84.1 | 77.8 / 86.2 | 74.8 / 83.2 |
MS MARCO + NQ-Full | url | T0 (3B) | 69.6 / 81.1 | 80.7 / 85.7 | 82.3 / 89.1 | 75.3 / 84.5 |
Scaling up ART training to large configuration of retriever
- Please use the following checkpoints to reproduce results reported in Table 4 of the paper.
Evaluation Split | Config | Cross-Attention PLM | NQ-Open | TriviaQA |
Dev | Base | T0 (3B) | 80.6 / 87.4 (url) | 83.6 / 87.4 (url) |
Dev | Large | T0 (3B) | 81.0 / 87.8 (url) | 83.7 / 87.5 (url) |
Evaluation Split | Config | Cross-Attention PLM | NQ-Open | TriviaQA |
Test | Base | T0 (3B) | 81.6 / 89.0 | 82.9 / 87.1 |
Test | Large | T0 (3B) | 82.1 / 88.8 | 83.6 / 87.6 |
BEIR Benchmark Experiments
On the BEIR benchmark, ART obtains competitve results with BM25 showcasing its effectiveness on ad-hoc retrieval tasks. Please see Table 9 in the paper for a full discussion of results. To reproduce ART's results in Table 9, please follow these steps.
<p align="center"> <img src="images/beir-benchmark-results.png"> </p>Download Required Data and MSMARCO Checkpoint
We have provided a script
that will download all the required datasets and checkpoints.
Run this script by providing a directory path in the first argument.
bash examples/beir/ DIRNAME
These files can also be downloaded individually as:
- We use MS MARCO questions to train ART and evaluate on the BEIR dataset (checkpoint url).
- Download the BEIR evaluation set (url).
- Download the BEIR evidence datasets (url).
- Download the BERT tokenized evidence files (url).
Evaluation Scripts
- Install the library pytrec_eval (pip install pytrec_eval)
- Setup the BASE_DIR, WORLD_SIZE, evidence and dataset path(s) in
- Evaluate by providing the checkpoint path as argument to the
script as
bash examples/beir/ /mnt/disks/project/checkpoints/msmarco-mss-base-init-bs512-topk4-epochs10 2>&1 | tee beir-eval-using-msmarco-chkpt.txt
- CQADupStack: As this dataset consists of multiple splits, we evaluate on it using separate scripts.
- Setup the BASE_DIR, WORLD_SIZE, evidence and dataset path(s) in
. - Evaluate by providing the checkpoint path as argument to the
script as
bash examples/beir/ /mnt/disks/project/checkpoints/msmarco-mss-base-init-bs512-topk4-epochs10 2>&1 | tee cqadupstack-eval-using-msmarco-chkpt.txt
Helper Scripts
- Create Wikipedia memory-mapped index using BERT tokenizer
python tools/ --input /mnt/disks/project/data/dpr/wikipedia_split/psgs_w100.tsv --tsv-keys text title --tokenizer-type BertWordPieceLowerCase --vocab-file /mnt/disks/project/bert-vocab/bert-large-uncased-vocab.txt --output-prefix wikipedia-evidence --workers 25
<a id="issues"></a>
For any errors or bugs in the codebase, please either open a new issue or send an email to Devendra Singh Sachan ( .
<a id="citation"></a>
If you find these codes useful, please consider citing our paper as:
title={Questions Are All You Need to Train a Dense Passage Retriever},
author={Devendra Singh Sachan and Mike Lewis and Dani Yogatama and Luke Zettlemoyer and Joelle Pineau and Manzil Zaheer},
journal={Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics},