

<br/> <p align="center"> <a href="http://devlight.io"> <img src ="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BxPO_UeS7wScLVBKck51Z1Rzb0E" alt="Devlight"/> </a> </p> <br/>


It is a layout like GridLayout. But children in it will fill the column. And you can filter your items with animation.

Android       License

<p align="center"> <img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BxPO_UeS7wScZFFWOWNQTDRaalk"/> &nbsp; <img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BxPO_UeS7wSca3BFM1BnY1dXWHM"/> </p>

You can check the sample app here.


Just fork and download code and be ready to use it.

Android SDK Version

AnimateFilterCalendarGridLayout requires a minimum SDK version of 8.


You must provide the FilterAdapter or CalendarAdapter and override method onFilterSet where you set the positions to add or remove.
There are also included OnFilterListener.


Created by Basil Miller - @gigamole


Forked from letanloc/AutoFitGridLayout


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Here you can see open source work developed by Devlight LLC.
This and another works is an exclusive property of Devlight LLC.

If you want to use this library in applications which will be available on Google Play, please report us or author of the library about it.

Whether you're searching for a new partner or trusted team for creating your new great product we are always ready to start work with you.

You can contact us: info@devlight.io or opensource@devlight.io.
Thanks in advance.

Devlight LLC, 2016