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Expressive and easy to use datetime functions.

Unbelivably nice...I'm proud that we have this.

-- Josh Adams, Elixir sips episode 145


iex> import GoodTimes
iex> now
{{2015, 3, 16}, {16, 58, 25}}
iex> 10 |> seconds_from_now
{{2015, 3, 16}, {16, 58, 35}}
iex> 60 |> seconds_ago
{{2015, 3, 16}, {16, 57, 25}}
iex> import GoodTimes.Convert
iex> now |> to_date
{2015, 3, 16}
iex> import GoodTimes.Date
iex> yesterday
{2015, 3, 15}
iex> tomorrow |> at({12, 30, 0})
{{2015, 3, 17}, {12, 30, 0}}
iex> import GoodTimes.Boundary
iex> now |> end_of_week
{{2015, 3, 22}, {23, 59, 59}}
iex> import GoodTimes.Generate
iex> all_days_after({{2016, 2, 28}, {10, 0, 0}}) |> Enum.take(3)
[{{2016, 2, 28}, {10, 0, 0}}, {{2016, 2, 29}, {10, 0, 0}},
 {{2016, 3, 1}, {10, 0, 0}}]


Update your mix.exs file and run mix deps.get.

defp deps do
  [{:good_times, "~> 1.1"}]

Import the module or modules holding the functions you want to use.

defmodule MyModule do
  import GoodTimes            # core functions.
  import GoodTimes.Boundary   # find boundaries between time units.
  import GoodTimes.Convert    # convert between dates, datetimes and times.
  import GoodTimes.Date       # functions operating on and returning dates.
  import GoodTimes.Generate   # functions generating streams of time units.

For more information, see the full documentation.

Known limitations

As GoodTimes uses Erlangs calendar module, dates and times before year 0 aren't supported.

Online documentation

For more information, see the full documentation.


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b better-times)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Let the good times roll!')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin better-times)
  5. Create a new Pull Request