


DevSound is a sound driver for the Game Boy which supports pulse width manipulation, arpeggios, and multiple waveforms. This version is no longer under development, and I recommend using DevSound Lite instead.

Building a demo ROM and/or GBS

Note that the demo ROM is included already; these instructions are if you want to try your own modifications.


  1. Grab the RGBASM binaries. If you already have them, you can skip this step.
  2. Open a command prompt in the demo folder.
  3. Run build.bat. If that doesn't work, try either adding the RGBASM binaries to your PATH or copying them to the repository directory.


  1. Install RGBDS. If RGBDS is already installed, skip this step.
  2. Open a terminal in the demo folder.
  3. Run make.

Adding DevSound to your project

  1. Copy DevSound.asm, DevSound_Variables.asm, DevSound_Constants.asm, DevSound_Macros.asm, DevSound_SongData.asm, and NoiseData.bin to your project directory. If you're not using a file such as hardware.inc or gbhw.inc, you will need to include it as well.
  2. Allocate a ROM bank for DevSound. Make note of the bank number (unless your ROM does not use banking).
  3. Add the following line to your main loop: call DS_Play
  4. In order to load a song, use the following code:
ld a,SongID  ; replace SongID with the ID of the song you want to load
call  DS_Init
  1. In order to stop playback, use the following line of code: call DS_Stop
  2. In order to fade sound in/out, use the following code:
ld  a,X ; replace X with 0 to fade out, replace X with 1 to fade in
call DS_Fade
  1. If you need help, let me know. I can usually be reached on IRC at irc.efnet.org #gbdev, with the nick DevEd. I may also be reached on Discord in this server: https://discord.gg/gpBxq85. Just ping me (I go by the name DevEd on that server) if you need anything.

Projects that use DevSound

If you are using DevSound in your project, let me know and I'll add it to this list.

Frequently Asked Questions