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This repository is maintained as is but most of the tech used for this project is now outdated. Use at your own risk.


Goploader's ultimate goal is to make file sharing easy and painless. This project is composed of a server and a client, both written in Go. The main things to remember about the project are :

Build from source

Make sure you have Go installed on your machine.


$ go get github.com/Depado/goploader/client
$ go build -o $GOPATH/bin/goploader github.com/Depado/goploader/client


$ # Move to a new directory that will be used to run the server
$ go get github.com/Depado/goploader/server
$ # The following steps are optional
$ # Execute those if you wish to embed the assets and templates into the binary
$ go get github.com/GeertJohan/go.rice/rice
$ rice embed-go -i=github.com/Depado/goploader/server
$ # End of the optional steps
$ go build github.com/Depado/goploader/server
$ # If you did not embed the resources, make sure to copy the assets and templates directories
$ cp -r $GOPATH/src/github.com/Depado/goploader/server/{assets,templates} .
$ # Execute the binary a first time to trigger the setup
$ # Or write your own conf.yml file
$ ./server


All the downloads are available at gpldr.in in the clients and server sections.


LinuxFreeBSDMac OSWindows
Linux 64bitFreeBSD 64bitMac OS 64bitWindows 64bit
Linux 32bitFreeBSD 32bitMac OS 32bitWindows 32bit
Linux ARMv7


All the documentation is available at gpldr.in. I intend to write a proper README.md file, but it takes a lot of work to transpose the existing documentation to the markdown format. So, work in progress.


All the software in this repository is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.