

<!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 MD041 --> <p align="center"> <h3 align="center">⌨️ Readme Typing SVG</h3> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="https://readme-typing-svg.demolab.com/?lines=Type+messages+everywhere!;Add+a+bio+to+your+profile!;Add+a+description+to+your+repo!;Make+your+readme+stand+out!&font=Fira%20Code&center=true&width=380&height=50&duration=4000&pause=1000" alt="Example Usage - README Typing SVG"> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/search?q=extension%3Amd+%22https+readme+typing+svg%22&type=Code" alt="Users" title="Repo users"> <img src="https://freshidea.com/jonah/app/github-search-results/readme-typing-svg/index.php"/></a> <a href="https://discord.gg/fPrdqh3Zfu" alt="Discord" title="Dev Pro Tips Discussion & Support Server"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/discord/819650821314052106?color=7289DA&logo=discord&logoColor=white&style=for-the-badge"/></a> </p> <!-- markdownlint-enable MD033 -->

⚡ Quick setup

  1. Copy-paste the markdown below into your GitHub profile README
  2. Replace the value after ?lines= with your text. Separate lines of text with semicolons and use + or %20 for spaces.
  3. Adjust the width parameter (see below) to fit the full width of your text.
[![Typing SVG](https://readme-typing-svg.demolab.com/?lines=First+line+of+text;Second+line+of+text)](https://git.io/typing-svg)
  1. Star the repo 😄

⚙ Demo site

Here you can easily customize your Typing SVG with a live preview.


Demo Site

🚀 Example usage

Below are links to profiles where you can see Readme Typing SVGs in action!

Jonah Lawrence Jini by Rentalz.com Waren Gonzaga 8BitJonny Aditya Raute Shiva Sankeerth Reddy Tarun Kamboj T.A.Vignesh William J. Ghelfi Mano Bharathi M Shivam Yadav Pratik Pingale Vydr'Oz Caroline Heloíse PriyanshK09 Thakur Ballary NiceSapien Manthan Ank Ronny Coste Vishal Beep wiz64 Aquarian Blake D3vil0p3r EliusHHimel jcs090218 Rishabh2804 shalinibhatt UlisesAlexanderAM SpookyJelly majidtdeni666 GalexY727 HectorSaldes Ash-codes18 Maagnitude cracker911181 quiet-node kaustubh43 kaisunoo meyer-pidiache jeremiahseun Anand Purushottam Greg Chism turbomaster95 K1rsN7 codesbyahsen Freddywhest Shiro-cha Abid-Nafi Srijan-Baniyal BrunoOliveiraS zidk tshr-d-dragon DeveshYadav13 HauseMasterZ hyskoniho elvisisvan Nquenan akhilnev mannysoft LinThitHtwe Elio-Aliaj presentformyfriends Ad7amstein LakshmanKishore mateusadada fasakinhenry YousifAbozid hheinsoee lucmsilva651 ashertenenbaum 0dxplt HerobrineTV Borketh Jafeth Yahuma João Pedro suzukimain caesar013 amir78729 AJsuper007 ABAN26 Soham More Yogi Hariyani Antônio Nascimento Ishaan Rastogi Eligijus Ciza Ashish Vaghela

Feel free to open a PR and add yours!

🔧 Options

linesText to display with lines separated by ; and + for spacesstringFirst+line;Second+line;Third+line
heightHeight of the output SVG in pixels (default: 50)integerAny positive number
widthWidth of the output SVG in pixels (default: 400)integerAny positive number
sizeFont size in pixels (default: 20)integerAny positive number
fontFont family (default: monospace)stringAny font from Google Fonts
colorColor of the text (default: 36BCF7)stringHex code without # (eg. F724A9)
backgroundBackground color of the text (default: 00000000)stringHex code without # (eg. FEFF4C)
centertrue to center text or false for left aligned (default: false)booleantrue or false
vCentertrue to center vertically or false(default) to align above the centerbooleantrue or false
multilinetrue to wrap lines or false to retype on one line (default: false)booleantrue or false
durationDuration of the printing of a single line in milliseconds (default: 5000)integerAny positive number
pauseDuration of the pause between lines in milliseconds (default: 0)integerAny non-negative number
repeattrue to loop around to the first line after the last (default: true)booleantrue or false
separatorSeparator used between lines in the lines parameter (default: ;)string;, ;;, /, etc.
letterSpacingLetter spacing (default: normal)stringAny css values for the letter-spacing property

📤 Deploying it on your own

If you can, it is preferable to host the files on your own server.

Doing this can lead to better uptime and more control over customization (you can modify the code for your usage).

You can deploy the PHP files on any website server with PHP installed or as a Heroku app.

Step-by-step instructions for deploying to Heroku

  1. Sign in to Heroku or create a new account at https://heroku.com
  2. Click the "Deploy to Heroku" button below


  1. On the page that comes up, click "Deploy App" at the end of the form
  2. Once the app is deployed, click "Manage App" to go to the dashboard
  3. Scroll down to the Domains section in the settings to find the URL you will use in place of readme-typing-svg.demolab.com

🤗 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have a way to improve this project.

Make sure your request is meaningful and you have tested the app locally before submitting a pull request.

Refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for more details on contributing, installing requirements, and running the application.

🙋‍♂️ Support

💙 If you like this project, give it a ⭐ and share it with friends!

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☕ Buy me a coffee

Made with ❤️ and PHP

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This project uses Twemoji, published under the CC-BY 4.0 License