


Implements the Uxn instruction set in digital hardware. Very WIP.

An animation showing different Uxn mode bits lighting up as stack control signals flow through logic gates


Known Bugs


  1. Open cpu.circ in Logisim

  2. ( Optional ) Build the latest microcode

    i. To assemble the microcode rom file run

    python microcode-asm.py microcode.mc microcode.tal
    uxnasm microcode.tal microcode.rom

    ii. Right click on the ROM labelled Microcode_ROM

    iii. Load Image > Select microcode.rom > Select binary (big-endian)

  3. Load the Uxn ROM you wish to load.

    i. Right click on the 64K RAM module ii. Load Image > Select a UXN rom > Select binary (big-endian)

Microcode Format


Microcode Assembler

The microcode assembler is only a partial assembler and relies upon Uxntal assembly for the conversion to binary. It takes in a [format](Microcode Format) similar to tal, and outputs a valid .tal file (Including comments!). Requires uxnasm or asma.tal to assemble into the microcode rom.