

The Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault Python SDK

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The Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault

(DSV) Python SDK contains classes that interact with the DSV REST API.


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python -m pip install python-dsv-sdk


There are two ways in which you can authorize the SecretsVault class to fetch secrets.


Password Authorization

If using a traditional client_id and a client_secret to authenticate in to your DevOps Secrets Vault, you can pass the PasswordGrantAuthorizer into the SecretsVault class at instantiation. The PasswordGrantAuthorizer requires a base_url, username, and password. It optionally takes a token_path_uri, but defaults to /v1/token.

from delinea.secrets.vault import PasswordGrantAuthorizer

authorizer = PasswordGrantAuthorizer("https://mytenant.secretsvaultcloud.com/", "my_client_id", "my_client_secret")

Access Token Authorization

If you already have a valid access_token, you can pass directly via the AccessTokenAuthorizer.

from delinea.secrets.vault import AccessTokenAuthorizer

authorizer = AccessTokenAuthorizer("YgJ1slfZs8ng9bKsRsB-tic0Kh8I...")

Secrets Vault

Instantiate SecretsVault by passing your base_url and Authorizer as arguments:

from delinea.secrets.vault import SecretsVault

vault = SecretsVault("https://mytenant.secretsvaultcloud.com/", authorizer)

Secrets can be fetched using the get_secret method, which takes the secret_path of the secret and returns a json object. Alternatively, you can use pass the json to VaultSecret which returns a dataclass object representation of the secret:

from delinea.secrets.vault import VaultSecret

secret = VaultSecret(**vault.get_secret("/test/secret"))

print(f"username: {secret.data['username']}\npassword: {secret.data['password']}")

Using Self-Signed Certificates

When using a self-signed certificate for SSL, the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable should be set to the path of the certificate (in .pem format). This will negate the need to ignore SSL certificate verification, which makes your application vunerable. Please reference the requests documentation for further details on the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable, should you require it.

Create a Build Environment (optional)

The SDK requires Python 3.7 or higher.

Assuming that you have a supported version of Python installed, you can clone this repository and set up your environment with:

# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/DelineaXPM/python-dsv-sdk
cd python-dsv-sdk

# Create a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Valid credentials are required to run the unit tests. The credentials should be stored in environment variables or in a .env file:

export DSV_CLIENT_ID=""
export DSV_BASE_URL="https://my.secretsvaultcloud.com/"

The tests assume that the client associated with the specified CLIENT_ID can read the secret with the path /test/sdk/simple.

Note: The secret path can be changed manually in test_server.py to a secret path that the client can access.

To run the tests with tox:


To build the package, use Flit:

flit build