

The Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault SDK for Go


A Golang API and examples for Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault.


The API requires a Configuration object containing a ClientID, ClientSecret and Tenant:

type ClientCredential struct {
    ClientID, ClientSecret string

type Configuration struct {
    Credentials              ClientCredential
    Tenant, TLD, URLTemplate string

The unit tests populate Configuration from test_config.json:

config := new(Configuration)

if cj, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../test_config.json"); err == nil {
    json.Unmarshal(cj, &config)

tss := New(*config)

Create test_config.json:

  "credentials": {
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": ""
  "tenant": "mytenant"


vault/role_test.go declares:

const roleName = "test-role"

The tests assume that roleName exists and has privilege to create, read, and delete a client, as well as create, read and delete secrets with a test: path prefix.


Define a Configuration then use it to create an instance of Vault:

dsv := vault.New(vault.Configuration{
    ClientID:     os.Getenv("DSV_CLIENT_ID"),
    ClientSecret: os.Getenv("DSV_CLIENT_SECRET"),
    Tenant:       os.Getenv("DSV_TENANT"),
secret, err := dsv.Secret("path:of:the:secret")

if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("failure calling vault.Secret", err)

fmt.Print("the SSH public key is", secret.Data["public"])


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