

Ansible Collection - delinea.core

GitHub pull requests

Ansible core collection for Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault.

Included content

Lookup plugins

delinea.core.dsvLook up secrets from Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault.

Using this collection

Installing the Collection from Ansible Galaxy

Before using this collection, you need to install it with the Ansible Galaxy command-line tool:

ansible-galaxy collection install delinea.core

You can also include it in a requirements.yml file and install it with ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml, using the format:

  - name: delinea.core

Note that if you install the collection from Ansible Galaxy, it will not be upgraded automatically when you upgrade the ansible package. To upgrade the collection to the latest available version, run the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection install delinea.core --upgrade

You can also install a specific version of the collection, for example, if you need to downgrade when something is broken in the latest version (please report an issue in this repository). Use the following syntax to install version 1.0.0:

ansible-galaxy collection install delinea.core:==1.0.0

See Ansible Using collections for more details.


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