



Your lightweight Cosmos SDK Querier

Delve into the depths of the Cosmos with Probe

:question: What is Probe?

Probe is a streamlined Cosmos SDK querying package. It deftly manages the unpacking process for base Cosmos SDK types and provides a detailed process for handling specialized modules.

:sparkles: Key features:

:point_right: Why should you use Probe?

Probe is a powerful tool for any Cosmos SDK developer seeking efficient, generalized querying on Cosmos blockchains. The package is finely tuned for transaction and message type querying.

:white_check_mark: Benefits of using Probe:

  1. Generalized Querying: Simplified process for unpacking on-chain message types into their underlying Go types.

  2. Module Support: Unpacking process for base Cosmos SDK types, and a comprehensive solution for customized modules.

  3. Lightweight Design: Minimalistic design that places querying at the forefront.

:satellite: Supported Message Type Protos

This section provides an overview of the protocol buffer messages included in the package for customized Cosmos modules. Protocol buffers are a platform-neutral, extendable mechanism for serializing structured data.

:arrow_forward: Tendermint Liquidity v1beta1 Transactions

:rocket: tendermint.liquidity.v1beta1

This protobuf file outlines the tendermint.liquidity.v1beta1 package and the messages associated with liquidity pool operations on the Cosmos blockchain. It includes four RPC services for the liquidity pool:

Each operation has a corresponding response message. This definition allows Probe to comprehend these liquidity pool operations and handle them accurately when interacting with the Cosmos blockchain.

:rocket: Probe vs Hubl: A Comparative Overview :milky_way:

Both Probe and Hubl are mighty tools for querying Cosmos SDK based blockchains, each catering to different needs and offering unique capabilities.

:flying_saucer: Probe: A Deep Dive into Cosmos SDK Types

Probe excels in its ability to handle Cosmos SDK types and specialized modules. It provides a detailed process for unpacking on-chain message types into their underlying Go types, shining particularly bright when working with chains that lack reflection support.

Key Highlights:

:stars: Hubl: Harnessing the Power of AutoCLI and Chain-Registry

Hubl makes full use of the new AutoCLI feature of the Cosmos SDK, enabling querying of any Cosmos SDK based blockchain that supports reflection. It's the tool of choice for those seeking compatibility and ease of use with the chain-registry.

Key Highlights:

The choice between Probe and Hubl largely depends on your specific needs, the features of the chains you're working with, and your preferred method of interaction. Both tools offer unique advantages, and there might be additional nuanced differences that can be uncovered with a deeper dive into the functionalities and use cases of each tool.

:memo: Attribution

Probe was originally inspired by Strangelove Ventures Lens (discontinued). Files containing modified source code from this repository are distinctly marked with the following header:

// Sourced with modifications from https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/lens