


Build Status Code Climate Reviewed by Hound


Hours is a dead simple project based time tracking application that we use for internal time-tracking. It allows users to register how many hours they've worked on a project with a certain category (think design, software development, testing for software teams) and add any tag they like to it. This gives us a lot of insight on how we spend our time on different projects.

It looks like this:

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/UGotYJu.png" width=500 alt="Projects overview" /> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/SZd6Oaw.png" width=500 alt="Single project" /> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/gJxWWnc.png" width=500 alt="Entries" /> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/QfMsVjb.png" width=500 alt="Audit Log" /> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/y4RLCEg.png" width=500 alt="Entry" />


As we're using Hours we're constantly thinking of ways to improve it and we'd love to hear your thoughts!

System Dependencies

Getting Started

This repository comes equipped with a self-setup script:

% ./bin/setup

After setting up, you can run the application using foreman:

% foreman start

Since we're using subdomains to point to accounts, you can't run the app on localhost. If you have pow set up or if you use linux an alternative is prax, it will be automatically configured by the setup script, otherwise you need to point apache/nginx to the port foreman is running the app on (7000 by default). With pow/prax the app will run on http://hours.dev

In order to activate caching in development you can add CACHE_DEVELOPMENT="anything" to your .env. Make sure to run $ memcached when you do need this.

Getting Started with Docker

This repository comes equipped to be run within Docker, but this requires a few more local dependencies. For instructions on installing and getting started with Docker go here. You'll also need docker-compose, but it will be installed for you through Docker for Mac or Windows.

This repository comes equipped with a self-setup script for using Docker:

% ./bin/docker_setup

On first boot you'll also need to create your database, for that use:

% docker-compose run --rm app rake db:create db:migrate

After setting up, you can run the application and dependencies using [docker-compose]:

% docker-compose up -d

If your Docker host is running on localhost then you should be able to use pow/prax, otherwise you'll need to connect to it via:


Feature Flags


Single Tenant Mode: Initialize application in single tenant mode. Disabled by default.


To use the single tenant mode, you can add SINGLE_TENANT_MODE to your enviroment variables with the value true. On development you can set this in your .env with SINGLE_TENANT_MODE=true and restart foreman. On heroku it's under the Config Variables. The first user in single tenant mode can be created by a rake task rake create_user. We'll ask you for your credentials.



Hours is distributed under the MIT license.