

<div align="center"> <p align="center"> <img src="docs/header.png" alt="defguard"> <h3>The only open-source solution with real WireGuard MFA/2FA & integrated OpenID Connect SSO</h3> <img alt="GitHub commits since latest release" src="https://img.shields.io/github/commits-since/defguard/defguard/latest/dev?style=for-the-badge&label=COMMITS%20SINCE%20LATEST%20RELEASE"> </p>

Website | Getting Started | Features | Roadmap | Support ❤


See below full list of features

Video introduction

Baring in mind we are no youtubers - just engineers - here is a video introduction to defguard:

<div align="center"> <p align="center">

Introduction to defguard

</p> </div>

Control plane management (this video is few versions behind... - a lot has changed!)

Better quality video can be found here to download

Desktop Client with 2FA / MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)


defguard desktop client


defguard WireGuard MFA

Desktop client:

Quick start

The easiest way to run your own defguard instance is to use Docker and our one-line install script. Just run the command below in your shell and follow the prompts:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DefGuard/deployment/main/docker-compose/setup.sh -O && bash setup.sh

Here is a step-by-step video about this process:

<div align="center"> <p align="center">

Quickly deploy defguard

</p> </div>

To learn more about the script and available options please see the documentation.

Setup a VPN server under 5min!?

Just follow this tutorial

Manual deployment examples

Roadmap & Development backlog

A detailed product roadmap and development status can be found here

⛑️ Want to help? ⛑️

Here is a dedicated view for good first bugs


The story and motivation behind defguard can be found here: https://teonite.com/blog/defguard/



See the documentation for more information.

Community and Support

Find us on Matrix: #defguard:teonite.com


Please review the Contributing guide for information on how to get started contributing to the project. You might also find our environment setup guide handy.

Built and sponsored by

<p align="center"> <a href="https://teonite.com/services/rust/" target="_blank"><img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1z0fxSsZztoaeVWxHw2MbPbuOHMe3OsqN" alt="build by teonite" /></a> </p>


WireGuard® is registered trademarks of Jason A. Donenfeld.