


This is the project page of the CVPR 2021 oral paper DeepTag: [CVPR_2021] [arXiv] [Video].

DeepTag: An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Tagging Magnetic Resonance Images.

We propose a fully unsupervised deep learning-based method for regional myocardium motion estimation on cardiac tagging magnetic resonance images (t-MRI). We incorporate the concept of motion decomposition and recomposition in our framework and achieve significant superior performance over traditional methods.

<div align=center><img width="650" height="300" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/MT_tmri.png"/></div>

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author    = {Ye, Meng and Kanski, Mikael and Yang, Dong and Chang, Qi and Yan, Zhennan and Huang, Qiaoying and Axel, Leon and Metaxas, Dimitris},
title     = {DeepTag: An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Tagging Magnetic Resonance Images},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month     = {June},
year      = {2021},
pages     = {7261-7271}

Supplementary results

  1. Tagging image sequence registration results: (upper-left) tagging image sequence; (upper-right) forward registration results; (bottom-left) backward registration results; (bottom-right) Lagrangian registration results. The blue grid lines are to aid visual inspection.
<div align=center><img width="300" height="300" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/SAX_STACK_45_23_reg_img.gif"/></div>
  1. Landmarks tracking results: red is ground truth, green is prediction. (left) basal slice (On the septum wall, which is between RV and LV, tags may apparently disappear in some frames, due to through-plane motion, as do the ground truth landmarks, but we still show the predicted landmarks on the closest position); (middle) middle slice; (right) apex slice. Note that our method can even track the motion on the last several frames very accurately in spite of the significant image quality degradation.
<div align=center><img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/SAX_STACK_43_21_lm_img.gif"/><img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/SAX_STACK_45_23_lm_img.gif"/><img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/SAX_STACK_48_26_lm_img.gif"/></div>
  1. Interframe (INF) motion fields and Lagrangian motion fields represented as a "quiver" form. (left) INF motions; (right) Lagrangian motions. Note that our method accurately captures the back-and-forth motion (left) in the left ventricle myocardium wall during systole. Also note that our method can even track the right ventricle's motion accurately.
<div align=center><img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/SAX_STACK_45_23_eu_motion.gif"/><img width="200" height="200" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/SAX_STACK_45_23_lag_motion.gif"/></div>
  1. Lagrangian motion fields: (left) x component; (right) y component.
<div align=center><img width="400" height="180" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/SAX_STACK_45_23_lag_motion_map.gif"/></div>
  1. Tag grid tracking results on the short axis view: (left) tagging image sequence; (middle) warped virtual tag grid by the Lagrangian motion field; (right) virtual tag grid superimposed on tagging images. Note that the virtual tag grid has been aligned with the tag pattern at time t=0. As time goes on, the virtual tag grid is deformed by the predicted Lagrangian motion field and follows the underlying tag pattern in the images very well.
<div align=center><img width="600" height="200" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/SAX_STACK_45_23_tag_grid_img.gif"/></div>
  1. Tag grid tracking results on the long axis view: (upper) tagging image sequence; (bottom) virtual tag grid superimposed on tagging images. (left) 2 chamber view; (middle) 3 chamber view; (right) 4 chamber view. Our method can track local myocardium motion on both short axis and long axis views, by which we could recover the 3D motion field of the heart wall.
<div align=center><img width="200" height="400" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/2_CH_11_15_tag_grid_img.gif"/><img width="200" height="400" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/3_CH_12_16_tag_grid_img.gif"/><img width="200" height="400" src="https://github.com/DeepTag/cardiac_tagging_motion_estimation/blob/main/figures/4_CH_10_14_tag_grid_img.gif"/></div>


Our code implementation borrows heavily from VoxelMorph.