


This repository contains code and datasets for the paper "CoSQA+: Enhancing Code Search Dataset with Matching Code".

Our primary work can be divided into three parts: constructing CoSQA+, testing large models for question answering, and testing code search models and methods. This code repository will provide the corresponding code for these three sections as well as the data required to reproduce the results.

The construction of CoSQA+ can be broken down into three steps. The first step is data collection and processing. The second involves matching queries with code to form 100K pairs, and using Claude 3 Sonnet to judge whether the code matches the query. The third step is generating code for queries that were not successfully matched with code.

Testing code search models and methods requires downloading and configuring various code search models and methods to perform code search tests, calculating MRR and MMRR.

Testing large models for question answering primarily focuses on evaluating the performance of various large models in question answering, calculating their Krippendorff’s alpha compared to human annotators and their accuracy relative to standards.

Experiment Environment:





Dataset and Code Overview


The datasets are currently available for viewing at the following Google Drive link:


CoSQA+ codebase: final_augment_codebase.json

format example:

    "code-idx": 0,
    "code": "def clean_empty(d):\n    if not isinstance(d, (dict, list)):\n        return d\n    if isinstance(d, list):\n        return [v for v in (clean_empty(v) for v in d) if v]\n    return {k: v for k, v in ((k, clean_empty(v)) for k, v in d.items()) if v}"

CoSQA+/CoSQA query base: query.json

format example:

	"query-idx": 0, 
	"query": "python remove all empty items in list"

CoSQA+ query-code pairs: final_augment_query_code_pairs.json

format example:

    "pair-idx": 0,
    "query-idx": 0,
    "query": "python remove all empty items in list",
    "code-idx": 0,
    "code": "def clean_empty(d):\n    if not isinstance(d, (dict, list)):\n        return d\n    if isinstance(d, list):\n        return [v for v in (clean_empty(v) for v in d) if v]\n    return {k: v for k, v in ((k, clean_empty(v)) for k, v in d.items()) if v}",
    "label": 1

CoSQA+ query-code pairs (filtered for label 1): final_augment_query_code_pairs_for_search.json


The datasetBuild folder stores the code for building the CoSQA+ dataset and testing large model question answering.

Code for tool functions to build the CoSQA+ dataset: process_data.py

Program for matching queries to code: select_code.py

Program for calculating Krippendorff’s alpha: krippendorff_calculate.py

The evaluateMMRR folder stores the code for testing code search models and methods on the CoSQA+ benchmark.

Test program for pylucene: run_MMRR_pylucene.py

Test program for bow: bow_MMRR.py

Test program for transformer large models (CodeBERT, UniXcoder, CodeT5+ etc.): run_MMRR_transformer.py

The prompt folder stores prompt texts.

CoSQA+ Construction

Note that fully reproducing this part requires significant resources, especially since annotating with large models incurs high costs. Therefore, we mainly provide guidelines for reproducing query-to-code matching using a multi-model approach.

Download Code Datasets

The quickest way is to download our curated datasets (Google Drive):

Filtered and merged StaQC Python code StaQC-code.json:


Filtered StaQC Python code and CodeSearchNet Python code merged dataset CSN-StaQC-code.json:


If you want to reconstruct the codebase, you can follow the instructions below:

We need python_dedupe_definitions_v2.pkl from CodeSearchNet's python.zip and two pkl files from StaQC: python_how_to_do_it_by_classifier_multiple_iid_to_code.pickle and python_how_to_do_it_qid_by_classifier_unlabeled_single_code_answer_qid_to_code.pickle.

After downloading, please place them in the dataset folder of the project.

The code datasets from CodeSearchNet and StaQC can be downloaded according to their official instructions.

Alternatively, you can download them via Hugging Face:

code-search-net/code_search_net at main (huggingface.co)

koutch/staqc · Datasets at Hugging Face

For StaQC, preliminary filtering is needed:

python datasetBuild/StaQC_data_to_json.py 

Note that the parameter for the function check_pickle_file("python_how_to_do_it_by_classifier_multiple_iid_to_code.pickle") should be changed to the directory where you stored the StaQC Python code pkl files. Then, merge the two JSON files.

Finally, merge the CSN Python code with the StaQC Python code. This can be done by calling process_CSN() and merge_CSN_and_StaQC() in datasetBuild/process_data.py.

Download Query Dataset

CoCLR/data/qa/cosqa-all.json at main · Jun-jie-Huang/CoCLR (github.com)

Place the downloaded cosqa-all.json in the dataset folder.

Call process_query() in datasetBuild/process_data.py to complete the processing and obtain query.json.

Match Code for Queries

The main task of matching code to queries is done using datasetBuild/select_code.py.