

Stacked Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Jointly Learning Shadow Detection and Shadow Removal

ST-CGAN: [Arxiv]

by Jifeng Wang, Xiang Li and Jian Yang
DeepInsight@PCALab, Nanjing University of Science and Technology.


 author = {Wang, Jifeng and Li, Xiang and Yang, Jian},
 title = {Stacked Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Jointly Learning Shadow Detection and Shadow Removal},
 booktitle = {CVPR},
 year = {2018}

ISTD Dataset

ISTD dataset is available in Google Drive

Removal Results on ISTD

Shadow removal results on ISTD is available in Google Drive (including the results of all the method we compared in our paper).


Copyright (c) 2018, PCALab (NJUST) All rights reserved.
The ISTD Dataset can only be used for research and Non-Commercial purposes.


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