


QHexView is a hexadecimal widget for Qt5

<p align="center"> <img height="400" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dax89/QHexEdit/master/screenshots/QHexView.png"><br> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-8e725e.svg?style=flat-square"> <a href="https://github.com/ellerbrock/open-source-badges/"> <img src="https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/v1/open-source.png?v=103"> </a> </p>


Buffer Backends

These are the available buffer backends:

It's also possible to create new data backends from scratch.


The data is managed by QHexView through QHexDocument class.<br> You can load a generic QIODevice using the method fromDevice() of QHexDocument class with various buffer backends.<br> Helper methods are provided in order to load a QFile a In-Memory buffer in QHexView:<br>

// Load data from In-Memory Buffer...
QHexDocument* document = QHexDocument::fromMemory<QMemoryBuffer>(bytearray);
// ...from a generic I/O device...
QHexDocument* document = QHexDocument::fromDevice<QMemoryBuffer>(iodevice);
/* ...or from File */
QHexDocument* document = QHexDocument::fromFile<QMemoryBuffer>("data.bin");

QHexView* hexview = new QHexView();
hexview->setDocument(document);                  // Associate QHexEditData with this QHexEdit

// Document editing
QByteArray data = document->read(24, 78);        // Read 78 bytes starting to offset 24
document->insert(4, "Hello QHexEdit");           // Insert a string to offset 4 
document->remove(6, 10);                         // Delete bytes from offset 6 to offset 10 
document->replace(30, "New Data");               // Replace bytes from offset 30 with the string "New Data"

// Metatadata management
QHexMetadata* hexmetadata = document->metadata();

hexmetadata->background(6, 0, 10, Qt::red);      // Highlight background to line 6, from 0 to 10 
hexmetadata->foreground(8, 0, 15, Qt::darkBlue); // Highlight foreground to line 8, from 0 to 15
hexmetadata->comment(16, 0, 16, "I'm a comment!");      // Add a comment to line 16, from 0 to 16
hexmetadata->clear();                            // Reset styling


QHexEdit is released under MIT license