


Fetch your documents from Telegram to your reMarkable 2!

This program will fetch new documents every 10 minutes for you :)



In order to user remarkaBot you need a Telegram Bot, you can create one using BotFather.
Sending private messages to him is not allowed. For security reasons it's crucial that you are in control of the groups remarkaBot accepts files from. To make sure nobody adds your remarkaBot instance to some random (potentially malicious) groups we reccomend to block all group invitations after having added the bot to your groups. You can simply do that by sending /setjoingroups to BotFather and follow instructions. From now on to add remarkaBot to other groups you must unlock group invitations and lock it again.
Leaving the setting unlocked might be tempting, but please don't do that.

Consider to disable /setprivacy to send documents to remarkaBot without having to mention him.


You first need to connect your reMarkable 2 to your PC to allow an SSH connection (see https://support.remarkable.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002662557-Help to understand how). You also need to have the Go compiler installed on your PC.

Steps to install it:

Each time the device is updated, you need to reinstall remarkaBot. Grab the opportunity to update the repo first (git pull).




This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.