

MVVM for awesomium


This project will be continued as part of Neutronium which has the same purpose as MVVM-for-Awesomium but broader scope :mutiple embedded browsers supported including awesomium and CEF, multiple javascript framework supported such as Knockout and vue. Migration to Neutronium is easy as API are compatible.


This framework act as a glue between a C# ViewModel and a awesomium IWebView. This allows to reuse 100% of View Model written for WPF in a HTML UI(provided you implement correctly the INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyCollectionChanged and ICommand patterns).
On the javascript side, C# objects are converted to javascript objects and can be bound using knockoutjs fantastic library.
All changes between View and ViewModel are propagate back and forth by MVVM for awesomium framework using knockoutjs subscribers and C# events. C# commands are mapped to javascript method and can be bind to click event using knockout.
This library can be used without having to write any javascript on your own as it will take care of all the mapping and plumbing for you!

Please check MVVM.CEF.Glue port of this project to CEFGLue.

Usage - Example

ViewModel (C#)

	public class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
		protected void Set<T>(ref T ipnv, T value, string ipn)
			if (object.Equals(ipnv, value))
			ipnv = value;

		private void OnPropertyChanged(string pn)
			if (PropertyChanged == null)

			PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(pn));

		public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

	public class Skill : ViewModelBase
		private string _Type;
		public string Type
			get { return _Type; }
			set { Set(ref _Type, value, "Type"); }

		private string _Name;
		public string Name
			get { return _Name; }
			set { Set(ref _Name, value, "Name"); }

	public class Person: ViewModelBase
		public Person()
			Skills = new ObservableCollection<Skill>();
			RemoveSkill = new RelayCommand<Skill>(s=> this.Skills.Remove(s));
		private string _LastName;
		public string LastName
			get { return _LastName; }
			set { Set(ref _LastName, value, "LastName"); }

		private string _Name;
		public string Name
			get { return _Name; }
			set { Set(ref _Name, value, "Name"); }
		public IList<Skill> Skills { get; private set; }

		public ICommand RemoveSkill { get; private set; }

View (HTML) using knockout mark-up

<!doctype html>
		<script src="js/knockout.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script src="js/Ko_Extension.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<input type="text" data-bind="value: Name, valueUpdate:'afterkeydown'" placeholder="First name" >
		<ul data-bind="foreach: Skills">
			<li><span data-bind="text:Type"></span>:<span data-bind="text:Name"></span>
			<button data-bind="command: $root.RemoveSkill">Remove skill</button></li>
			<h2><span data-bind="text: Name"></span></h2>
			<h2><span data-bind="text: LastName"></span></h2>

		<button data-bind="command: ChangeSkill">Click me</button>

Set the binding (C#)

IWebView mywebview = ...; //retrieve awesomium view wich loaded the HTML view
var datacontext = new Person();
AwesomeBinding.Bind(mywebview, datacontext, JavascriptBindingMode.TwoWay);

That's it!

Documentation (wiki) here.

Link to nuget here.