

GameMaker Extension Packer

This tool gives you the ability to convert GameMaker Local Packages into Extensions, and Extensions into Local Packages. This allows you to develop your extensions inside of the IDE as a collection of scripts, and then package as an extension. Additionally, it enables you to modify existing extensions easily by importing them into GameMaker as scripts.

Getting Started

Download and extract the latest Release. If you intend to use via the command line then it's recommended that you place the files somewhere inside your PATH environment variable.


Command Line Usage

gmextpack <options> input [output]
    -v22      Generate 2.2.5 compatible files
    -v23      Generate 2.3.1 compatible files

input         Path to a *.yymp, *.yymps, or extension *.yy file
[output]      Path to output file. OPTIONAL
    If not provided then input filename is used to generate the output name
    Output for yymp/s will be to a directory, not file

Shell Usage

Drag and drop a *.yymp, *.yymps, or extension *.yy file onto the EXE. A console window should flash up before disappearing. If successful, the result will be present in the same directory as the file you dragged in. When used like this, a Local Package will result in an Extension *.yy file.

Workflow for creating an extension

Develop the scripts for your plugin inside of a standard GameMaker project. When you're ready to create an extension select Tools > Create Local Package and select all the relevant scripts. Once complete, pass the file to GM Extension Packer. The resulting .yy file can be added to GameMaker projects by right clicking on Extensions and selecting Add Existing.


When converting to an extension the jsdoc header is parsed and used to correctly build the extension function information. At a minimum, you must document each argument and its type. Argument names, if provided will be used to build the help string for the IDE's autocomplete feature. Return should also be documented, otherwise a double will be assumed as the return value. The name of the function is determined by the script's name, not jsdoc. Additonally you can specify a special attribute @hidden to hide the extension function from the IDE.

Script add

/// @param {real} a
/// @param {real} b
/// @returns {real} result
/// @hidden

return argument0 + argument1;

Macros / Constants

When converting to an extension, any macros specified the script <LocalPackageName>_ext_macros will be converted to constants in the extension. If this script does not exist, or macros are declared in other scripts, then no constants will be added to the extension.

Initializer / Finalizer

When converting to an extension, initializers and finalizers can be specified via gml_pragma("global", ...) in the script <LocalPackageName>_ext_init and <LocalPackageName>_ext_final. If these scripts do not exist, then no initializer or finalizer respectively will be declared in the extension.

Script Example_ext_init

gml_pragma("global", "example_initialize();");

Workflow for importing an extension as scripts

Run the *.yy extension through the tool. Then in the GameMaker IDE select Tools > Import Local Package, add all files and accept. If there are macros or initializers/finalizers they will be imported as scripts with the names documented above.

Some of the reasons you might want to import a GML extension like this:

Known Issues



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details