


The Boston keyboard is 120% compact battleship design created by Pylon. I really like the design, but my wrists don't cope well with angled keyboards. And so I created a variant of the Left and Right Halves of the case's model to be "pretty flat". Big thanks to Pylon for making the project open-source!

This variant has a slight 0.5 degree angle, which was the smallest angle I could get for clearance of parts without changing the height of the board itself.

This model was designed to be compatible with all the other current parts of the 0.8J hotswap 3DP design (including the map!)

NOTE: This has NOT been tested yet. Print at your own risk.

<img width="938" alt="Pretty Flat Boston" src="https://github.com/DatGameh/Pretty-Flat-Boston-Case/assets/71962500/2fd783ab-85cc-4bd2-b95d-c641db354e2e"> <img width="938" alt="image" src="https://github.com/DatGameh/Pretty-Flat-Boston-Case/assets/71962500/5cb7e9fa-97fa-4220-9aa4-7bcdfd1ba6eb"> <img width="938" alt="Side View Comparison" src="https://github.com/DatGameh/Pretty-Flat-Boston-Case/assets/71962500/439ae39b-f877-41f3-95d2-493181e39787"> <img width="938" alt="Internal View" src="https://github.com/DatGameh/Pretty-Flat-Boston-Case/assets/71962500/a11b2199-a157-4c06-8fe7-84151750b048"> <img width="843" alt="Internal View 2" src="https://github.com/DatGameh/Pretty-Flat-Boston-Case/assets/71962500/0cc50f09-fb42-479a-91d7-2c7e53d1fb9f">

You may notice some of the screws protruding deep inside the case in the internal view, but this only applies to the four bottom corner screws. The other eight screws underneath aren't as long and shouldn't cause clearance issues.

Included here are only the "Left Half" and "Right Half" models. To get the other parts necessary for the full build (e.g. key separators, LED spacers, knob spacer, etc.), go to Pylon's repository of the 3D Printed Parts.

I'll upload the Fusion 360 source file in the future when I am sure I've credited the creator of every other part properly.


This derivation is released under the CERN OHL-W license.