Enterprise PBR Sample Renderer (Demo Viewer)
<!-- | [Validation Report]( -->A WebGL2 GPU path-tracer that runs in your browser.<br> Features physical materials by implementing the Enterprise PBR Shading Model (DSPBR)
Minimal Demo [ Code ]
- Browser-based, unbiased* GPU path-tracing
- Implements parts of the Enterprise PBR Shading Model (DSPBR)
- Rough Metal & Dielectrics (opaque/transparent)<br> Using energy preserving, multi-scattering GGX BRDF and directional albedo scaling for diffuse/sheen components
- Sheen
- Clearcoat
- Emission
- Iridescence
- Three.js scene compatibility
- Implements most of the new glTF PBR Next material extensions [1,2] and extension proposal pull requests (marked as PR below). <!-- * [KHR_materials_translucency PR]( -->
# yarn is mandatory as this project uses yarn workspaces
yarn install
# Builds all packages
yarn build
# Launch the demo viewer with HMR enabled -> auto update on code change during development
yarn run dev
## Validation
The Enterprise PBR Specification repository provides a [*Validation Suite*]( The suite is a collection of lightweight test scenes accompanied by HDR reference renderings (generated by the Dassault Systèmes Stellar renderer). It further provides scripts to compare the output of a custom render engine to the provided grund-truth images. The suite generates an overview of the comparison result as HTML report.
The report for the current state of dspbr-pt can be found [here](
# Clones the Enterprise PBR repo to the current working dir, runs the validation renderings and generates a report at ./validation/report/index.html
npm run validation
## CLI Renderer
Command-line rendering is available via headless electron
# Builds the cli renderer to ./dist
npm run build-cli
# Renders an image via command-line
npm run render -- -- <scene_path> --ibl <hdr_path> --res <width> <height> --samples <num_samples>
# Example
# Writes output image to ./output.png
npm run render -- -- "./assets/scene.gltf" --ibl "./assets/ibl.hdr" -r 512 512 -s 32
``` -->
- Source code license info in LICENSE