


A demo program for Delphi thats play mp3 files with DirectSound/OpenAl by using the famous minimp3 library built in. No external mp3 decoder required.

For OpenAl playback make sure you have the required OpenAl libraries installed.

How-to run

You need a copy of Delphi XE2 or greater. Just open the Project file and Run.

The demo program includes follow functionalities

First select your Audio Renderer DirectShow or OpenAl. Then drag and drop a mp3 file into application container.


How-to build minimp3 library

To build a installed version of GCC 4.8.1 are required, use the batch buildlib.bat that compile minimp3lib.cpp file.


Builds works only with GCC v4.8.1 32-bit. Depends on required ___chkstk_ms. I took this from lz4-delphi, i have no idea how to extract this dependency from libgcc.a. Leave a comment if you know how to build the lib without or with other versions.
