

crm-custom.el --- Alternate completing-read-multiple that uses completing-read

Short version

Enable crm-custom-mode and ido-ubiquitous-mode to get ido completion for completing-read-multiple!

Longer explanation

If you use a custom completion mechanism such as ido-ubiquitous-mode, you might notice that functions like describe-face don't use it. This is because they use a function called completing-read-multiple to read multiple values at once, and this function doesn't use the standard completion mechanisms. This package allows you to use the standard completion mechanisms to replace completing-read-multiple, allowing your custom completion system to work for functions that use it.

When you turn on crm-custom-mode, any command that uses completing-read-multiple will now prompt you again each time you enter an item. This is because it is reading a list of multiple items. To end the completion and finish the list of items, simply enter an empty string.

Wanted features

This is basically a toy project and I don't have time to work on it, but it could use the following features to be more user-friendly.