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imgproxy is a fast and secure standalone server for resizing, processing, and converting images. The guiding principles behind imgproxy are security, speed, and simplicity.

imgproxy is able to quickly and easily resize images on the fly, and it's well-equipped to handle a large amount of image resizing. imgproxy is a fast, secure replacement for all the image resizing code inside your web application (such as resizing libraries, or code that calls ImageMagick or GraphicsMagic). It's also an indispensable tool for processing images from a remote source. With imgproxy, you don’t need to repeatedly prepare images to fit your design every time it changes.

To get an even better introduction, and to dive deeper into the nitty gritty details, check out this article: imgproxy: Resize your images instantly and securely


"No code is better than no code."

imgproxy only includes the must-have features for image processing, fine-tuning, and security. Specifically,


imgproxy takes advantage of probably the most efficient image processing library out there – libvips. It’s scary fast and comes with a very low memory footprint. Thanks to libvips, we can readily and extemporaneously process a massive amount of images.

imgproxy uses Go’s raw (no wrappers) native net/http package to omit any overhead while processing requests and provides the best possible HTTP support.

You can take a look at some benchmarking results and compare imgproxy with some well-known alternatives in our benchmark report.


In terms of security, the massive processing of remote images is a potentially dangerous endeavor. There are a number of possible attack vectors, so it’s a good idea to take an approach that considers attack prevention measures as a priority. Here’s how imgproxy does this:


Check out our 📑 Documentation.


Sergey "DarthSim" Alexandrovich

Special thanks

Many thanks to:


imgproxy is licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for the full license text.

Security Contact

To report a security vulnerability, please contact us at security@imgproxy.net. We will coordinate the fix and disclosure.