


A simple React-based chat app demo for Appwrite

This is a simple instant message chat app with persistent message storage. Users are able to send messages without having to make accounts. Just pick a name and join a room.


Menu screenshot Chat room screenshot

Running Chatwrite

  1. Install Appwrite (https://appwrite.io/docs/installation)
  2. Open the Appwrite console and make a new project.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard and add a new web app platform, typing in your local IP address (not localhost).
  4. Click on "Database" and make a new collection called "chatMessages" (or something similar).
  5. Go to the collection's settings and add these rules (with data types):
    • roomName (text)
    • sender (text)
    • messageData (text)
    • timestamp (numeric) For each rule, put "*" (wildcard) in both the read and write permissions list.
  6. Clone this repo, cd into it, and run npm i to install dependencies
  7. Edit config.js to include the relevant project's API endpoint and ID and the messages collection's ID.
  8. Run npm start to build the web app and start the web server (on port 80 -- be sure to check your computer's firewall if it doesn't work).


How it works

To do