

MataveControl V13.0

MataveControl is a basic toolbox for control engineering. The toolbox can be used for both GNU Octave and MATLAB®. Easy to use and easy to install. The main focus of MataveControl is to offer a control toolbox which can be used in both GNU Octave and MATLAB®. MataveControl has the same function names as MATLAB®'s Control System Toolbox, but the time discrete functions are included in the time continuous functions. Also the library is a very basic library so other developers can fast dive into the code.


Typical use

To use MataveControl, you should allways start with to create a transfer function or a state space model. Then you can use that mathematical model in almost all the function of MataveControl.

Here is some examples when I use MataveControl. MATLAB pictures are from Umeå University.

Creating a transfer function in MATLAB®

Transfer Function Example - MATLAB

Creating a transfer function in GNU Octave

Transfer Function Example - Octave

Create a bode diagram plot in MATLAB®

Bode Diagram Example - MATLAB

Create a bode diagram plot in GNU Octave

Bode Diagram Example - Octave

Create a state space model in MATLAB®

State Space Example - MATLAB

Create a state space model in GNU Octave

State Space Example - Octave

Do a step simulation in MATLAB®

Step Simulation - MATLAB

Do a step simulation in GNU Octave

Step Simulation - Octave

Convert a time continuous transfer function to a discrete transfer function in MATLAB®

c2d Example - MATLAB

Convert a time continuous transfer function to a discrete transfer function in GNU Octave

c2d Example - Octave

Do a nyquist diagram plot in MATLAB®

Nyquist Example - MATLAB

Do a nyquist diagram plot in GNU Octave

Nyquist Example - Octave

Model Predictive Control - Linear programming & Quadratic programming with integral action

MataveControl have both linear programming MPC and quadratic programming MPC. There is equivalent C code at CControl if you want to apply them to embedded hardware. Select the programming method, quadratic or linear, that works with your situation. Both works fine, but quadratic programming (Hildreth's Method) is faster than linear programming (Simplex Method) in MATLAB. In C-code, it depends on your C-compiler. I have done more work on qmpc.m file, compared to lmpc.m, even if they both can do the same job.

If you want to understand practical and proper MPC without theory, you should:


MPC Example - MATLAB


To install MataveControl, download the folder "matave" and place it where you want it. Then the following code need to be written inside of the terminal of your MATLAB® or GNU Octave program.

path('path/to/the/folder/matave', path)

Example of a typical path.

path('C:\Users\dmn\Documents\Octave\matave\', path)


Write this inside the terminal. Then MataveControl is going to download new .m files to MataveControl from GitHub
